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report from npga state director

                  2023 Winter Board of Directors Meeting Highlights

            Marketers Section                                         During the Regulatory Breakout, association
                 The Marketers Section held virtual breakout     staff briefed members on various rulemakings
            sessions across our eight districts in advance of    from the Department of Energy, the Federal
            the Board of Directors meeting  During these         Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the
            meetings, marketers discussed regional legislative   Environmental Protection Agency, and the
            and regulatory concerns facing the industry          Department of Homeland Security  Association
            Section Chair, Daniel Dixon, reiterated that all     staff focused on recent accomplishments
            marketers are invited to participate in these        and previews of anticipated rulemakings and
            district breakout sessions                           regulatory strategy for 2023  Highlights included
                 District 8 Director Thomas Manson provided      an upcoming CFATS rulemaking, FMCSA hours
            a summary of the district reports  PERC’s Eric       of service clarifications, and consumer cooking
            Kuster updated attendees on the Council’s            appliances efficiency standards.
            recent activities of note  The Section also               Lastly, in the State breakout session,
            hosted a panel on disaster and emergency             association staff provided an overview of the
            preparedness  The panelists encouraged all           2023 state legislative landscape, including
            propane marketers to adequately prepare for,         opportunities to expand energy choice
            and communicate during, a natural disaster such      protections, safeguard gas cooking equipment,
            as a hurricane                                       and secure industry exemptions from product
                 Additionally, the Marketers Section is          stewardship initiatives  The group also discussed
            now soliciting applications to serve on NPGA’s       efforts taken by local governments to ban
            Executive Committee for the upcoming                 new gas infrastructure and encourage the
            Association year                                     electrification of buildings. NPGA is currently
                                                                 tracking such activity by more than 100
            Governmental Affairs Committee                       municipalities and counties across 15 states
                 The Governmental Affairs Committee              These ordinances seek to eliminate propane’s
            met for its winter meeting to discuss pressing       ability to serve as a fuel option for new
            advocacy matters impacting the propane               construction
            industry  As is customary, the Committee broke
            into three task force sessions – federal legislative,   Technology, Safety & Standards Committee
            federal regulatory, and state                             The Board approved Technology, Safety
                 In the legislative session, NPGA staff          & Standards Committee proposal Tdc-1908, a
            provided updates on success from the 117th           proposal to be made to NFPA 58 that would
            Congress, including securing access to funding       clarify misconceptions that some authorities have
            opportunities in the Infrastructure Investment       regarding a “required color” for tracer wire that
            and Jobs Act, extending the Alternative Fuel Tax     is buried with underground plastic pipe to enable
            Credit, and recent wins in the FY23 Appropriations   the pipe to be located easily and avoid damage
            and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)        when excavation activities are occurring  The
            For 2023, NPGA will continue Appropriations and      proposal will clarify that there is no required color
            NDAA strategies and advocate for propane’s           for the tracer wire  This proposal will be submitted
            inclusion in this year’s Farm Bill and FAA           for the 2026 edition of NFPA 58 ■

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