Page 14 - may-june 2022
P. 14
Don’t Let Customers Get Left in The Dark
f the power were to go out tonight, how responsible for major electric grid disturbances
prepared are your customers for an extended Between 2000 and 2020, DOE reports that the
outage? number jumped an incredible 13-fold
I A little over a year ago, Winter Storm Uri In 2021 alone, fires, floods and other
delivered a deadly power crisis that extended climate-related disasters reached 820 counties
blackouts for millions of residents and businesses where 40 percent of Americans live DOE also
across freezing Texas Six months later, Hurricane notes that power outages are lasting longer,
Ida made landfall in Louisiana and caused wide- and that the average homeowner now will
spread destruction and catastrophic flooding experience 3 5 power interruptions in a two-year
across the Northeastern United States period
These dramatic examples underscore In response, consumers are spending
why relying solely on renewables and our frag- $12,000 to $20,000 and waiting a year or more
ile electric grid is so dangerous It also explains for back-ordered equipment to ensure reliable
consumer worries about trends that are driving power in the future
record demand for remote power generation The overwhelming majority of these units
nationwide run on dirty diesel But propane is well positioned
According to the U S Department of En- to leverage the consumer trend, according to
ergy (DOE), the nation is witnessing an alarming Joe Calhoun, PERC’s director of off-road business
uptick in both weather and non-weather events development
14 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2022