Page 19 - may-june 2022
P. 19
Readying for School
Bus Funding
’m sure you’ve heard of the Infrastructure Invest- pane school buses.
ment and Jobs Act, but have you started to dig in to To learn more about ROUSH CleanTech’s ad-
understand how this can benefit the alternative fuels vanced clean transportation fleet solutions or to sign up for
Iindustry? There is a lot of money allocated for alter- the monthly e-newsletter CleanTalk, visit ROUSHcleantech.
native fuels, and com.■
specifically for
electric. But there Todd Mouw is president of ROUSH CleanTech,
is also money out an industry leader of advanced clean vehicle
technology. Mouw has more than two decades of
there for propane experience in the automotive and high-tech in-
— and school dustries. As former president of the NTEA Green
Truck Association, Mouw helped set standards in
buses are the main the green trucking industry. To learn more, visit
The Clean
School Bus
Program is a $5 billion fund that will be available later this
year. State and local governments, nonprofit school trans-
portation associations and con-
tractors that sell clean or zero
emission buses are eligible for DEALERS LP EQUIPMENT
the funding. An Affiliate of R.E. Michel Company, LLC
Half of the pro-
gram’s funding will be for the
purchase of electric buses and Your SINGLE SOURCE for
the other half is for propane
and/or electric buses. Starting
in 2022, $1 billion will be
distributed each year over the
next five years through 2026.
The program specifics are still
under development. We should
learn more in late March. ...and ALL your propane equipment needs!
With rising diesel
fuel prices, stricter emissions
regulations on the horizon and Check us out online at
the option to reduce opera- and follow us on
tional costs, propane is an
excellent option for student
transportation. So, now is the 1405 Sinnett Avenue • Dothan, Alabama 36303
time to start thinking about 800-433-8925
how you can apply for funding
to adopt clean-operating pro-
19 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2022