Page 10 - mar-apr2021
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NPGA-PERC Unified Environmental Campaign ing on climate, green energy, and environmental
he NPGA/PERC Joint Officer Task Force issues, NPGA’s governmental affairs team is pre-
is developing a framework for a unified paring for the challenges ahead in Congress, at
messaging and outreach campaign to the federal agencies and at the state level with
Tdefine the role propane can play in the expected pushes on decarbonization and the
low carbon future and fight the “Electrification of electrify everything movement
Everything” movement The target audience for At its meeting, the Governmental Affairs
the campaign will be influencers, decision makers, Committee discussed a variety of important issues
consumers, and marketers Leadership on the with updates from its three committee task forces
task force includes: The Legislative Task Force discussed 2021 legisla-
Michelle Bimson Maggi, AmeriGas tive priorities for the new, 117th Congress and also
Jeff Stewart, Blue Star Gas highlighted the 2020 year-end omnibus legislation
Casey Cramton, Dead River Company that contained a number of wins for the propane
Stuart Weidie, Blossman Gas industry in the areas of appropriations and tax
The campaign will challenge the preva- credits Also, the passage of the National Defense
lent narrative around the main causes of climate Authorization Act was significant because it calls
change. It will also define propane as one solu- for a pilot program for Department of Defense
tion to reducing a home or business’ carbon foot- facilities to transition to alternative fuel vehicles for
print. The “Electrification of Everything” movement their fleets where propane was specifically refer-
is also gaining momentum, and is a threat to the enced in the Act
propane industry The campaign will dispel some The Regulatory Task Force discussed a se-
of the myths around the “clean” electricity move- ries of Executive Orders issued by President Biden,
ment and identify multiple paths to a low carbon which included a list of regulations issued under
future the Trump administration that the new administra-
tion will be reviewing Also, NPGA plans to submit
Governmental Affairs petitions to both DOT and DHS that would affect
With the new Biden administration focus- the operation requirements for the propane indus-
10 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2021