Page 11 - mar-apr2021
P. 11
try for, respectively, propane gas pipeline systems propane marketers In 2021, NPGA will offer two
and the CFATS regulations In another important new services: one to help relieve the administra-
victory, the Department of Energy withdrew a tive burden of entry-level driver training; the other
rulemaking activity that would have eliminated are apprenticeships in a variety of fields, including
an entire product class of standard efficiency gas service technicians and bobtail drivers Additional
furnaces details for each will be available soon
In the State Engagement task force, it was The audience heard from Tucker Perkins,
noted that many states are aggressively address- the President and CEO of the Propane Education
ing climate change with more than 100 bills in and Research Council (PERC) on the organiza-
state legislatures ranging from carbon tax pro- tion’s recent activities and projects He touched
posals to incentives for heat pumps to complete on the results of PERC’s recent sales survey and
statewide bans on the use of propane in new highlighted elements from PERC’s online learning
construction However, NPGA is also supporting center The Learning Center was created to assist
bills that would prohibit cities or counties from marketers in CETP training, sales, and CRS training,
passing laws that would force homes and busi- and how to incorporate environmental messag-
nesses to only use electricity, which are referred to ing in their marketing
as “Ban the Gas Ban” bills Finally, many states are NPGA Tools and Resources Available for Peak
proposing their own requirements for health insur- Demand Season
ance, workers compensation and limiting liability With extreme cold weather currently in
for businesses as it relates to the pandemic many parts of the United States expected to per-
sist for the coming weeks, peak demand season
Marketers Section has finally arrived. The propane industry, through
A new year brings new opportunities for the National Propane Gas Association and state/
Continued on page 12...
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11 Alabama Propane Gas Association | March / April 2021