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the NFPA Standard for Powered Industrial Trucks     action, grassroots advocacy, and volunteer en-
            (NFPA 505)  The proposal will bring NFPA 505 into   gagement in federal affairs  This new program is
            alignment with NFPA 58 with respect to the refu-    open and free to all NPGA members, and enroll-
            eling of containers mounted on industrial forklift   ment in the program can be done on Propane-
            trucks  NFPA 58 permits refueling to take place     PAC’s website, www npga org/propanepac
            while the container is still on the vehicle, whereas       Mr. Kroening also notified the Board the
            NFPA 505 currently requires the container to be     steering committee had decided to pause all po-
            removed prior to it being refilled.                 litical giving for 30 days  This suspension is due to
                   Finally, it was noted that the processing of   recent political fallout against business and trade
            the 2023 edition of NFPA 58 will begin this month   association PACs from the events of January 6 on
            and that the International Codes Council will be    Capitol Hill  The steering committee will revisit this
            entering a new development cycle that will result   issue soon and fully expects to again have the
            in the 2023 editions of those codes                 PAC be a vital tool in NPGA’s advocacy

            Manufacturers Section                               PropanePAC
                   The Manufacturers Section met with Chair-           PropanePAC was pleased to welcome
            man Rick LaDue presiding and discussed several      Lisa Kontoupes of KDCR Partners to be its pre-
            current topics related to technical and regulatory   miere Propane, Politics, and Coffee speaker of
            activities  The section members were informed on    2021    A seasoned veteran of Washington, D C
            NFPA 58 entering a revision cycle, and issues re-   and Democratic priorities, Ms  Kontoupes painted
            lated to food trucks, fuel gas detectors, cannabis   a thorough picture of the political make up of
            processing and unvented heaters
                                                                                       continued on page 14...

            PAC Report
                   PropanePAC Steer-          Looking for a reliable,
            ing Committee Chair Chad
            Kroening highlighted the       customized supply plan?
            PAC’s recent success,
                                             Crestwood offers experienced NGL professionals committed to
            noting that in light of the     creating reliable, yet flexible supply plans that meet your needs.
            challenges brought on by
            COVID-19 the 2020 election                    Things you may not know
            cycle was the best fund-                            about Crestwood:
            raising period in nearly two        Assets include Hattiesburg, MS and Tirzah, SC both equipped with
            decades   He invited all to         storage, truck rack and rail rack as well as multiple rail terminals
            review the PAC’s annual             in the Southeastern US.
                                                Manage over 300,000 bbls/day of propane across the country with
            report, which can be found          assets connected to major supply hubs.
            here                                One of the largest truck and rail propane fleets in the country, with
                   The success of               over 250 trucks and 2000 rail cars.
            2020 indicated that there           Offer flexible price risk management solutions.
            is an enthusiasm within the                       Want to know more?
            association for political                Call today for help with supply programs, index
            action   Seeking to build             pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or
            on the momentum of the                     our transportation and storage capabilities.
            previous year, Mr  Kroening                                        Max Johnson
            announced that NPGA is                                             Senior Supply and Asset Manager — Southeast
            launching a new political                                          D: (816) 329.5316
            affairs program which seeks                                        C: (913) 972.5721
                                                                               ICE ID: mjohnson31
            to better align political

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