Page 5 - masarat misr
P. 5
Connectivity and Mobility
The flow of people and goods within and through city
areas is a fundamental dimension of contemporary urban
design, planning and management. How these flows are
accommodated and integrated into the fabric of the city,
impacts profoundly on the health and satisfaction of
residents, economic prosperity and long - term
sustainability of the city. MASARAT MISR covers a broad
range of transportation consultancy, encompassing all the
economic and social factors for all modes of transport.
- Macroscopic Transport Models : - Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans :
. Transport demands studies and modelling. . Plan for sustainable mobility in the entire city.
. Development of transportation systems requirements . Involve citizens and stakeholders.
and infrastructures scenarios. . Street design and guidance.
. Mobility and accessibility planning. . Planning and designing walking and cycling facilities.
. Multi model transport planning. . Cycleway network design.
. Policy assessment and impact studies. . Multi-mode lintegration with public transport.
. Economic and financial cost scenarios. . Pedestrian planning and design.
- Parking Design and Simulation : - Public Transportation Planning :
. Parking demand and supply analysis. . Developing public transit systems.
. Parking geometric design and assessment. . Developing capacity analysis.
. Parking simulation and performance evaluation. . Modelling walk, automobile and transfer links between
. Operation and management strategies. services.
. Smart parking systems architecture and technology . Modelling infrequent and time coordination between
specifications. services.
- Micro-Simulation Transport Model : . Fares modelling, combining fare systems for modes,
. Traffic and pedestrian modelling and simulation. operation & lines.
. Design smart traffic control elements. . Crowd / Congestion modelling analysis.
. Design of smart traffic management plans. . Demand stratification by user class.
. Provide traffic operational plans and strategies. . Loading analysis - transfer between modes, operators,
. Evaluating road network performance and level lines and entry - exit stations.
of service.
. Detailed geometric design and analysis of
road network.