Page 6 - masarat misr
P. 6

Design of smart traffic     Evaluate road network      Design smart traffic       Precise real-time traffic
       management plans.           level of service.          adoptive control elements.  simulations with the highest
       Provide traffic operational  Measure  average  queue   Avoid stop-and-go and keep  level of detail.
       plans and strategies.       length in different scenarios.  inner traffic moving.  Accurately simulate the
       Ensure journey time reliabili-  Identify critical junctions.  Professional signal control  interaction of different
       ty and road safety.         Operate different response  for your entire network.  vehicles and pedestrians.
       Operate model and test the  plans ready for different  Determine appropriate      Predict average delay per
       effectiveness of            incidents.                 timing plan for intersections.  vehicle for different
       different congestion        Evaluate access & traffic-  Optimize signal timing plans  scenarios.
       scenarios.                  circulation performance.   based on real-time traffic  Predict traffic flow at
                                   Test different traffic     data and improve the usage  different times.
                                   operational plans.         of intersection capacity.

            Pedestrian Crossing Simulation        Adaptive Signal Simulation          Multi-Model System Design
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