Page 8 - masarat misr
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Technology and Smart                             Technology and
                            City Planning                                    Connected Services

           Urbanization is expandingeach dayshaping the economic,  MASARAT MISR strategically visions technologies as a
           social and environmental structure of our cities. MASARAT  means that make better use of the resources, increase the
           MISR builds cities of the future, answering growth  quality of the service and experience offered to the
           and demand challenges, increasing the utilization of  citizens and customers. With automation and real-time
           existing infrastructureand enhancing citizens experience  monitoring intelligence, operational cost will decrease
           and engagement. With innovative technologies,      and service reliability will increase. Through our
           authorities are able to better use their resources by  consultancy, we are able to lead our clients with feasibility
           increasing the quality of their  services, reducing  studies to better know the road map of their services and
           operational costs through automation and high      introduce new potential revenues.
           service reliability with real-time intelligence and
           monitoring.  Intelligent  Transportation  Systems  (ITS)   - Data Networks :
           became a vital part of modern cities where agencies  . Infrastructure Planning and Connectivity System.
           around the world seek for  consultancy on  their   . Server and Storage Management System.
           feasibility in terms of technology implementation and  . Service Coms and Interfaces Systems.
           the road map   needed for full system integration.  - Application Models and Services :
           MASARAT MISR offers consultancy on ITS architecture  . Payment and Subscription System.
           and implementation for different applications that  . Event Management and Dispatch Model System.
           require sensory and wide area network technologies.  . Public Transit Monitoring and Analytics.
                                                              - Technological Integration :
           - Advanced Traffic Management & Operation Systems :  . Assign service metrics and performance.
           . Tunnel Management System.                        .  Technological calibration to security policies.
           . Incident Management System.                      . Problem identification and making improvements.
           . Parking Management System.
           - Advanced Public Transportation Systems :
           . Automated Fare Collection System.
           . Signal Priority System.
           . Transit Operations and Fleet Management System.
           . Traveller Operational Systems.
           - Development of Commercial Vehicle Operations :
           . Surveillance and Control System.
           . Floating Cellular System .
           . Electronic Screening and Weigh-in-Motion System.
           - Development of Advanced Vehicle Control and Safety
           Systems :
           . Emergency Vehicle Notification System.
           . Automatic Road Enforcement System.
           . Variable Speed Limits and Lane Control System.
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