Page 28 - SCIE Ambassador Program Strategic Brief
P. 28
Ambassadorship & Allyship Session (#3)
N = 9*
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
The social identity activities were 6 3 100%
helpful in exploring who I am both as
an individual and a healthcare
I found the discussions about micro‐ 6 3 100%
aggressions and being an interrupter
to be beneficial.
The tools provided for interrupting 5 3 88% 1
micro‐aggressions were useful.
I enjoyed the session. 8 88% 1
As a result of this session, I feel better 5 2 77% 1
able to be an ambassador and ally of
So far, I’m glad I was selected to be a 9 100%
SCIE Ambassador
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
The session overall 4 2 66% 2 1
*Two Ambassadors were unable to attend; one Ambassador arrived significantly late and did not complete the evaluation.
** One Ambassador did not respond to this question
Open Discussion Session (#4)*
N = 9**
Strongly Agree Neutral Dis‐ Strongly
Agree agree Disagree
The open discussion session provided me 8 1 100%
with an opportunity to share my ideas and
I felt comfortable engaging in the discussion 8 1 100%
with my fellow Ambassadors.
The discussion questions/prompts 7 2 100%
facilitated meaningful discussions.
I enjoyed the open discussion session. 8 1 100%
As a result of this session, I feel more 7 1 88% 1
connected to my fellow Ambassadors.
So far, I’m glad I was selected to be a SCIE 7 9 100%
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
The session overall 6 3 100%
*The fourth session was scheduled to be on leadership but became an open discussion. Ambassadors completed an evaluation
was developed in the event that the session became an open dialogue.
** Three Ambassadors were unable to attend the session.
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