Page 31 - SCIE Ambassador Program Strategic Brief
P. 31

SCIE Ambassador Program Overall Evaluation
                 N = 11
                                                          Strongly    Agree        Neutral  Dis‐     Strongly
                                                          Agree                             agree    Disagree
                 The topics were relevant and helpful as a   10       1   100%
                 health sciences student.
                 Invited speakers were beneficial to the   8          3   100%
                 The proportion of scheduled topics to open   5       2   63.6%    3                 1
                 discussion sessions was ideal.
                 The reflective journal prompts were useful.   6      2   72.7%    2        1
                 I frequently journaled after SCIE        1           4   45.4%    4                 2
                 Ambassador meetings.
                 The assessment tools used were helpful.   3          4   63.6%    3        1
                 The frequency of meetings was ideal.     7           2   81.8%    1                 1
                 The length of meetings was ideal.        6           2   72.7%    1        1        1
                 The SCIE Ambassador Program helped me    10          1   100%
                 to think more critically about my identity as
                 a health care provider from an under‐
                 represented background.
                 The SCIE Ambassador Program allowed me   10              90.9%             1
                 to connect with new colleagues from across
                 the health sciences.
                 The SCIE Ambassador Program met my       5           1   100%*
                 expectations.*                                           *
                 I would recommend the SCIE Ambassador    5           1   100%*
                 program to others.*                                      *
               *These two questions appeared on the back of the evaluation; 5 Ambassadors failed to complete the
               back of the evaluation.

               **This percentage represents total number of respondents to the question.

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