Page 30 - SCIE Ambassador Program Strategic Brief
P. 30

Panel Discussion (#7)

                 N = 8
                                                          Strongly    Agree       Neutral   Dis‐     Strongly
                                                          Agree                             agree    Disagree
                 The panel discussion provided an         7           1   100%
                 opportunity to hear about some of the
                 issues the underrepresented minorities in
                 healthcare face and how to navigate these
                 I had adequate opportunity to ask        6           1   87.5%  1
                 questions of the panelists.
                 The discussion questions/prompts         5           2   87.5%  1
                 facilitated meaningful discussions.
                 I enjoyed the panel discussion session.   7          1   100%
                 As a result of this session, I feel more   6         1   87.5%  1
                 prepared to navigate my career in health
                 care as an underrepresented minority.
                 So far, I’m glad I was selected to be a SCIE   7     1   100%

                                                          Excellent   Very Good   Good      Fair     Poor
                 The session overall                      8               100%

               Strategic Brief Build Out/Closing Session (#8)
                 N = 11
                                                             Strongly   Agree      Neutral   Dis‐    Strongly
                                                             Agree                           agree   Disagree
                 The process for “fleshing out” the top      8          2  90.9%  1
                 recommendations was clearly defined and
                 The small groups adequately provided me the   9        2  100%
                 opportunity to contribute to the discussion
                 and process.
                 There was adequate time provided to debrief   7        1  72%     1         1       1
                 the small group strategic brief development.
                 There was adequate time to debrief and      8          1  81.8%  1          1
                 provide feedback about my overall experience
                 in the SCIE Ambassador program.
                 I enjoyed the closing session.              10         1  100%
                 Overall, I’m glad I was selected to be a SCIE   10     1  100%

                                                             Excellent   Very Good  Good     Fair    Poor
                 The session overall                         8          3  100%

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