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very, very alike. Only 1.5 percent of our genes are different
               from those of our closest relatives, the chimpanzees.

                     At the same time, the probability that, of the 7 billion or so
               people living on the earth, eight characteristics will only be
               shared by the same two people, is astonishingly small: around

               1 in 1,000 billion. We all come into the world with the same
               genetic makeup, and could therefore slip into any identity we
               might think of: anyone could become an Einstein or a Steve

               Jobs if it wasn’t for other factors limiting this freedom.
               But that’s another story.
                     You have probably guessed where we’re going with this:

               there is also something of this fascinating interplay of diversity
               and similarity in our writing instruments, too. They can
               assume any identity you might think of, too – they are all about

               being different but, despite all their individuality, they are
               still identifiable as a Prodir writing instrument. A thousand
               times different – and yet somehow always the same.

                     For this to work, we give you plenty to work with. Call it
               our DNA, the assets shared by all Prodir writing instruments:
               a timelessly superior stylistic idiom, a distinctive writing

               experience, the pleasure of communicating, a good shot of
               Swissness, a high life expectancy – and a kind of empathy
               gene, because we always consciously design them to touch

               people, simply because they are what they are – beautiful
               and functional.
                     Just like you and I, our writing instruments are also

               anything but a blank sheet of paper. Right from the outset,
               they are marked by what makes us quintessentially Prodir.
               But it is only through you, our customers, that these values and

               characteristics acquire an unmistakeable face and every
               writing instrument becomes unique. And that’s the amazing
               thing about our work: you let us be ourselves so that you

               can be yourselves. You are the ones who provide the face for
               our writing instruments because you find yourselves in
               what we are and what we do. That is probably the biggest

               compliment that you can ever give anyone.

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