Page 11 - Annual Report 2016
P. 11



                of the




         Tom thinks that being a mentor is about showing someone how to do things the right way and helping
         them learn so that life gets easier over time. He enjoys mentoring Joseph because he gets to do things
           with Joseph that Joseph might not otherwise experience. Tom decided to volunteer for Big Brothers
           Big Sisters because he attended Rise and Shine for Kids’ Sake in November of 2015 and after serving
              on the board of various nonprofits, he wanted to help the community on a one-to-one basis.


                                                                     Tom and Joseph have been matched since om and Joseph have been matched since
                                                                      February 2016.  They mostly play and watch
                                                                    sports, or go to the movies. They have the most
                                                                    fun when they are doing things that get a little
                                                                       competitive such as bowling, foot golf, air
                                                                     hockey, and laser tag. Tom describes Joseph
                                                                      as calm, thoughtful, and positive. He hopes
                                                                         that Joseph can “find something he is hat Joseph can “find something he is
                                                                      passionate about that can be a part of his
                                                                     work life, go to college to study something he
                                                                          loves, and become more curious.”
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