Page 7 - Annual Report 2016
P. 7

Annual Events

             Bowl for                           A Fall Evening  Rise and Shine

           Kids’ Sake                                with BBBS                           for Kids’ Sake

                      March 19th, 2016                     September 11th, 2016                       November 3rd, 2016

          Bowl for Kids' Sake is Big                A Fall Evening with Big               Rise and Shine for Kids' Sake
             Brothers Big Sisters’                  Brothers Big Sisters is a              is presented by Comerica
              signature annual                    casually elegant evening                 Bank and held annually in
          fundraiser. This year we               that brings together the best             November. This Investing in
           raised nearly $80,000!                and brightest of Washtenaw                Children Circle fundraising
         Teams came out to bowl                   County to enjoy delicious                    breakfast shows our
          with family, friends and                food, fine wines, a thrilling              gratitude to those who
         c                                        live auction and the good ive auction and the good   have committed to ave committed to
         co-workers to raise critical o-workers to raise critical
          funds and awareness for                   company of those that                   donating at least $1,000
         BBBS. Bowl for Kids' Sake is                  support BBBS and                    annually for five years and
        made possible through the                  mentorship for all kids in              encourages attendees to
          generous support of our                 need. This year we raised               consider doing the same. In
         corporate sponsors, most                over $125,000! BBBS extends                2016, we hosted over 220
        notably, ProQuest, our 2016               a special thank you to The               individuals who helped us
          and 2017 Magic Maker nd 2017 Magic Maker   Jones Family Foundation for ones Family Foundation for   raise over $110,000 in just aise over $110,000 in just
                  Sponsor!                       being this event's Presenting                    one morning.
          Save the date! BFKS will be taking                                               Save the date! Rise and Shine will be
              place in March of 2018.                                                     taking place on November 28th, 2017.
                                                 Save the date! Our Fall Evening will be
                                                 taking place on September 10th, 2017.

                   “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
                                                      -Helen Keller
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