Page 3 - Total Auction of BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN (NL)
P. 3

Boogaard-Van Buuren

 started in 2008 and become in 7 years time the
absolute number 1 on the extreme long distances

Every fairy tale begins this way: “There was once ...”. Also            NL06-2030950                                        Nobody expected early pigeons in Amsterdam. Nobody
the start of the success story of BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN                                                                       expected that pigeons would “fall” at a distance of 1,243
you can summarize as this. But “once upon a time” may                    “KATSU”                                            km. Except the combination BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN.
sound too far from the present ... Because Marco and
Piet (the first names behind their worldfamous surnames)       pigeon, sir ... But nothing of that at the loft BOGAARD-VAN  Early in the morning they were already waiting for their
shook hands about nine (!) years ago. Than they started        BUUREN. They race pigeons and select them by results.        pigeons to return because “KATSU” was basketed with
racing with pigeons. But there was only one goal on their      So why should they not continue to race with “KATSU”? A      great expectations. The minutes they had to wait
program: “Winning the                                          no-nonsense policy that is unseen within the circles of the  seemed to be an eternity. The race speed decreased in
international race from Barcelona”.                            marathon distance scene.                                     the same sizes that the expectations also fell ... When the
                                                                                                                            “mater familia” served their lunch at noon, Marco and Piet,
Obviously, almost everyone who practices the marathon          You can guess it already: “KATSU” went back. As a favorite   experienced a shadow at 12:48 pm.
distance dreams of this ultimate goal ... It looks pretty      of the nine pigeons that were basketed. As first nominated   BANG ... a pigeon went into the loft as a lightning barely
much the same like the Tour de France but than in the ra-      pigeon on the basketing list... Their hope was based on      touching the shelf ... This was good for a race speed of
cing pigeon sport. No one who knew them can deny it: the       him.                                                         989.40 m/min at 1,243 km. A hard nut to crack, but
enthusiasm with which Marco and Piet came to the starting                                                                   ”KATSU “ still looked perfectly ironed. A muscleman that
line ... it must have been almost unprecedented. Their         In 2009 the international race from Barcelona, 27,669        has no equal. This had to be an early international
anonymity, they lost it very quickly the way the achieved      pigeons were basketed for what was going to be an            price, simply because of the fact that on the national and
their results. Because today, we can say honestly: in seven    extremely tough race. The pigeons were liberated at a        international announcment websites, there were hardly
years they won all what there is to gain ... and this, it is   quarter to ten in the morning on 3 July 2009.                pigeons known... When the international winner was
indeed unprecedented for marathon distance racing.                                                                          known, they knew it immediately: “KATSU” was barely
                                                               Everyone expected the early pigeons in the front on the      a sigh of the clocked time behind them... An early bird.
As said before, Marco and Piet started racing together in      flight line. Such harsh weather (almost the whole race the   Eventually he was clocked as 10th international against the
2008. At a loft of 15m² ... that’s all they had. On top of     pigeons had to fight against the northwest wind, the after-  total international competitors field.
their store roof. Every square centimeter was seized. For      noon temperature climbed to just above thirty degrees)...
pigeons. And their dream. Or rather, their goal!                                                                            “KATSU” became immediately the new international icon
                                                                                                                            of the marathon distance races. In 2008 he won the 34th
Their first real international Barcelona race was in 2008, at                                                               international , in 2009 he won the 10th international, with
a distance of 1243 km they won 34th international against                                                                   those results he became 1st international Ace Barcelona
23 708 pigeons. Their first pigeon they clocked was ban-                                                                    ‘08-’09. Such world class pigeons: they are real valuable
ded by the ring number NL06-2030950 and was later                                                                           in money terms. “Money time” in the bubble, but no one
renamed as ’KATSU’. The start was made ... From that                                                                        could persuade Marco and Piet to sell ‘KATSU. Because
moment it became clear to the outside world that they had                                                                   Marco and Piet finally were just involved in racing pigeons
to keep an eye on those “newcomers”.                                                                                        and Barcelona was their goal. So why would they
                                                                                                                            immediately sell their standard-bearer? Offcourse they
Then came 2009. For most long distance fanciers a pigeon                                                                    were right ... Because ‘KATSU’ became the ringleader.
that won the 34th international Barcelona goes straight
towards the breeding loft. Because it is such a good                                                                        Almost all offspring flew superior on the marathon
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