Page 4 - Total Auction of BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN (NL)
P. 4
Boogaard-Van Buuren
“ Who will achieve the same? In seven years they
won everything what they could win...”
distance races. That’s right ... it was the first stroke when Congratulations! You are the international winners bills” weighed more than a bleeding pigeon hart, and so a
they started drawing up their breeding lines. “KATSU” and from Barcelona 2011! rational decision was made to sell “EVELYN”.
his descendants: they are widely acclaimed by the
international marathon distance fanciers. Even more Goosebumps moments for sure. And then began what Then came 2012. The year after the international victory.
impressive: ‘KATSU “is worshiped as an absolute God. Es- Marco and Piet don’t like: the telephone became red from You walk even more into the ‘spotlight’ than ever before.
pecially after his offspring delivered a lot of success stories ringing, not even a second, a moment of peace. Everyone And the confirmation is only given to the very best. And we
at the home BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN and on other lofts for whom they had big respect for years ... big names in may add the combination BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN to this
... But then came 2011 ... the marathon distance scene.... They called them and ex- category. Because they won the 55th international from
Cureghem Centre basketed 26,068 old birds for the pressed their congratulations to Marco and Piet. The whole 25,320 international old birds, “LEONIE” NL08-1350913, a
international race from Barcelona. The release point was paperazzi followed ... and the pigeons merchants walked half-sister of “EVELYN” that won the previous year the first
relocated a bit, BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN were situated at in and out the door of their home. With a bleeding heart international Barcelona. Do you need even more
a distance of 1,237 km now: seven pigeons were basketed for their racing pigeons Marco and Piet ... had to made evidence, to be sure that we are talking about “noble”
for Barcelona. All their hope laid on their shoulders. The the decision to sell “EVELYN” (as the international winner bloodlines for the marathon distance? Years passed away...
Netherlands was under the spell of that tandem in Amster- was renamed after the race). “Safety reasons” and “dollar and no Barcelona International was raced without the
dam: all the (inter)national eyes were on Marco and Piet. combination BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN was monitored.
A pressure that would be fatal for most of the fanciers. But Because playing racing pigeons on that far distance like
this was for Marco and Piet clearly not the fact. They kept them, it’s not so obvious as it seems.
both feeth neatly on the solid ground: the boys next door.
Then came 2014. Another record year for the
The pigeons were liberated at 10:00 am in the morning. NL07-1625890 combination. Several birds were bred from the famous
The ninth of July: a day that will never be forgotten in “KATSU”. A granddaughter of “KATSU” was basketed for
Amsterdam. At dawn ... the sun was just rising at the “EVELYN” the international race from Marseille. In total five pigeons
horizon ...Marco and Piet sat on the roof of their home... from their loft went into the baskets. At this international
The proverb: “Dawn has gold in his mouth...”, suddenly 1. Int. Nat. Barcelona race 12 054 pigeons were basketed. And with the weather
got a different meaning, because she came flying... One forecasts it promised to be another very tough edition. At
minute before five o’clock in the morning: the hen with a quarter to seven in the morning, the 18th of July, all the
ring number NL07-1625890 was clocked, control gummi as old birds were liberated. With a clear blue sky, west wind
well. Then, the announcment. Nobody (and I really mean and sunny conditions, this was one of the toughest
NOBODY) had already expected a racing pigeon from Marseille we’ve already had. The combination BOOGAARD-
Barcelona in AMSTERDAM (= just about the furthest VAN BUUREN races at a distance (yes, you read that
distance in the Netherlands for the international race from correctly!) of 1034 km. Very hard but perfect weather
Barcelona) by that time. From five o’clock that conditions for the very best pigeons. It seemed an ideal
morning until noon: it was a real thriller for BOOGAARD- fit for the champion racers from Marco and Piet and so it
VAN BUUREN. Minutes seemed to tick away like hours. was... At six minutes before ten o’clock in the evening. A
Hours took for days in their mind... No one could confirm blue shadow in the sky! It had to be ‘SUNNY’. After a race
what they silently were hoping for... Around noon the of 15 hours and nine minutes she reached her loft. With
redeeming phone came from Belgium: Marco and Piet ... tears in their eyes ‘SUNNY’ was clocked. Immediately it