Page 5 - Total Auction of BOOGAARD-VAN BUUREN (NL)
P. 5
Boogaard-Van Buuren
The total Barcelona Racing Team 2015 will be sold
19th+52nd+176th+204th+277th... national”
seemed to be the only pigeon that has been clocked in 891 m/min: again a perfect fit for the racing pigeons from performance of ‘SUNNY’, ‘EVELYN’ and ‘KATSU. What has
the Netherlands at a distance over 1000 km: she achieved Marco and Piet. While other fanciers could barely clock one been performed with this mini-colony is unseen... “
this at a racing speed of 1137 m/min. For an enternity she or none, they clocked in Amsterdam five pigeons in a pace
will enter the Dutch Hall of Fame as one of the strongest of a High Speed Train (HST). On the national result they We also leave Marco and Piet speaking ... Marco:
Marseille racing pigeons ever. won: 19 + 52 + 176 + 204 + 277 + ... etc. Five of their “Obviously it hasn’t been an easy decision, but stop on our
nine pieces home within the first 300 national.. It seemed highlight is perhaps the best decision we ever made...”.
And if you think that this was the end of the succes story like child’s play. Nothing is what it seems, of course ... Piet: “- We are absolutely certain that BOOGAARD-VAN
from the combination BOOGAARD- VAN BUUREN, than Because for years, the racing pigeons are selected. Only BUUREN will not go away. We’re going to continue living in
you’re wrong... In 2015 there was the fierce the very best can survive and is able to participate. This the sport in the genes of the breeding and racing pigeons
Barcelona International. Last year a lot of lofts are no-nonenses strategy of breeding, racing and last but not fanciers who are going to buy on our auction ... Giving
cracked and been hit by this Barcelona. Simply because least a hard selection forms the magic key and the red guarantee for success is not really easy, but I dare to say
you need racing pigeons made from iron to overcome this wire in the bloodlines from the combination BOOGAARD- that the guarantee with us is a little bit higher. Simply
kind of weather and distance. We still remember several VAN BUUREN. because there are not hundreds of pigeons ... Just
websites that published articles under the following title: selected pigeons with top result records . Great
“Will this be the toughest Barcelona ever?” Last summer, after Barcelona International a decision was performances alongside the genes...“
made that awakened many pigeon fanciers in the
France yielded in afternoon temperatures of around Netherlands. Marco and Piet have decided to sell, not And for P-BAY it is an absolute honour that BOOGAARD-
forty degrees Celsius! In addition, a north-easterly wind. partially but in a total auction. At their absolute peak. It is VAN BUUREN chose their auction site. Absolute
Everyone agreed that this was a blockbuster. merely given to the ‘greatest’. Usain Bolt, the fastest man champion bird in this auction will be without doubt
Literally and figuratively. on the planet, also stopped at its peak. And BOOGAARD- ‘SUNNY’ and her parents. And besides this the whole
And again, with several past years in mind, the VAN BUUREN does this as well. The business in the store Barcelona Racing team which achieved a royal result in
international eyes were on BOOGAARD- VAN BUUREN. is too busy and the racing pigeons were invariably referred a very hard edition of Barcelona International 2015, with
Because many marathon distance fanciers knew from the to the second place. A bit too much, so BOOGAARD-VAN ‘SUNSHINE’ (= 30th International Barcelona 2015) as
recent past that this were the perfect weather conditions BUUREN fear that soon this would cause harm to the leading lady. Or what to say about ‘Nachtvliegertje”
for Amsterdam. For the champion racers of BOOGAARD- racing results of their champion pigeons. Obviously that (= translated “Nightflyer”). A hen that managed to find
VAN BUUREN. can not be the intention. Therefore, they draw a line under her home back before the middle of the night and to wake
their short but very succesfull racing pigeon career... All their owners... Briefly: for marathon distance lovers, this
In total there were 19,089 pigeons in this international the Pigeons go away. All the Pigeon lofts go away. is an auction to look forward to. A fingerlicking auction.
Barcelona race. A clear decline compared to previous Unseen quality alongside unprecedented performance. And
years, but everyone had watched the weather forecast When this came to the ears of the ‘greatest’ in the this all at one of the farthest international distance. Later
and many fanciers didn’t dare to take the risk to race marathon distance racing, first they reacted with great dis- on P-BAY ... Just before New Year, the Barcelona treasure
their pigeons in such severe weather conditions. But that belief. Gerard Van Tuyl, the international winner Barcelona room will be opened.
was reckoned without the combination BOOGAARD- VAN in 2006, expressed his deep respect towards BOOGAARD-
BUUREN. They basketed as many as the previous years. VAN BUUREN and says the following: “BOOGAARD-VAN
Nine pieces ... And yes, their electronic clocking system BUUREN” these are gentlemen with world class pigeons.
beeped around 12:53 am, this was good for the 30th I dare them to identify with dot as the absolute “NUMBER
international Barcelona 2015 ... A speed of ONE” among the Dutch long distance fanciers, after the