Page 505 - Foton Workshop Manual - Tunland (AT)
P. 505

DIAGNOSTICS - ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM                          04-359

                      Fault phenomenon                 Possible reasons                      Refer to
                                                  4. Fuel line

                                                  5. Intake heater
                                                  6. Intake system

                                                  7. Exhaust system                                                  04
                                                  8. ECM

                                                  1. Turbocharger

                                                  2. Intake system
                                                  3. Exhaust system
                                                                                  Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
                  Low engine output               4. Fuel system                  motor control system, low
                                                                                  engine output
                                                  5. EGR system

                                                  6. Fuel
                                                  7. ECM

                                                  1. Fuel

                                                  2. Fuel injector                Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
                  The engine runs rough or
                                                  3. Fuel system                  motor control system, the
                                                  4. EGR system                   engine runs rough or misfiring
                                                  5. ECM

                                                  1. Fan                          Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
                  The engine fan doesn't work,    2. Air conditioning circuit     motor control system, the
                  works unsteadily or works                                       engine fan doesn't work, work
                  continuously                    3. Fan control circuit          unsteadily or misfire

                                                  4. ECM                          continuously
                                                  1. Battery

                                                  2. Starter or starter circuit
                                                                                  Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
                  Slow motor turning motor of     3. Crankshaft                   motor control system, slow
                  engine (electric starter motor)  4. Camshaft                    motor turning motor of engine
                                                                                  (electric starter motor)
                                                  5. Timing mechanism

                                                  6. ECM

                                                  1. Engine oil
                                                                                  Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
                  Postprocessing diesel           2. Fuel system                  motor control system,
                  particulate filter - excess     3. Crankcase ventilation        postprocessing diesel
                  removal for soot                system                          particulate filter - excess
                                                                                  removal for soot
                                                  4. Post precessing DPF

                  Postprocessing diesel           1. Fuel                         Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
                  particulate filter - excessively                                motor control system,

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