Page 506 - Foton Workshop Manual - Tunland (AT)
P. 506
Fault phenomenon Possible reasons Refer to
2. Post precessing DPF
pressure difference sensor
3. EGR system
postprocessing diesel
4. Fuel system
04 automatic and / or fixed particulate filter - excessively
regeneration 5. Turbocharger automatic and / or fixed
6. Post precessing DOC
7. Post precessing DPF
8. ECM
1. Brake switch
2. PTO or remote PTO switch
3. Accelerator pedal position
sensor Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
Fixed regeneration - cannot
motor control system, fixed
start 4. Gear shift mechanism
regeneration - cannot start
5. Post precessing DPF
6. Parking brake switch
7. ECM
1. Postprocessing system
2. Postprocessing DPF Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
Fixed regeneration - not temperature sensor motor control system, fixed
3. Turbocharger regeneration - not completed
4. ECM
1. Key switch or key switch
Fault code warning light is not 2. Trouble code warning light Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
motor control system, fault
on 3. Trouble code warning code warning light is not on
indicator circuit
4. BCM
1. Engine oil
Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
Too much oil sludge in the 2. Lubrication system motor control system, too
crankcase 3. Cooling system much oil sludge in the
4. Fuel
1. Crankcase ventilation
Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
Crankcase gas (channeling motor control system,
gas) overload 2. Valve oil seal crankcase gas (channeling
gas) overload
3. Piston ring
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