Page 508 - Foton Workshop Manual - Tunland (AT)
P. 508
Fault phenomenon Possible reasons Refer to
3. Lubrication system
higher than the technical
4. Engine oil
specification value
5. ECM
04 1. Turbocharger Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
Oil leakage of turbocharger motor control system, il
2. Turbocharger oil pipe
leakage of turbocharger
1. Engine oil
2. Odometer
3. Electronic throttle valve
4. Intake system
5. Exhaust system
6. Turbocharger system Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
Excessive fuel consumption 7. Injector motor control system,
excessive fuel consumption
8. Intake manifold pressure /
temperature sensor
9. Fuel system
10. Postprocessing system
11. EGR system
12. ECM
1. Injector
2. EGR system
3. Cooling system
Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
White smoke - plenty 4. Postprocessing system motor control system, white
smoke - plenty
5. Fuel
6. Cylinder gasket
7. Cylinder cover
1. Vacuum system Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
The vacuum pump does not motor control system, the
2. Vacuum pump
keep enough vacuum vacuum pump does not keep
3. Vacuum booster enough vacuum
1. Vacuum system Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
Excessive noise of vacuum motor control system,
pump 2. Vacuum pump excessive noise of vacuum
Intake manifold pressure 1. Intake system Chapter 04 Diagnosis- the
(boost) is below normal 2. Exhaust system motor control system, intake
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