Page 10 - League Lens - Feb 2018
P. 10


       In the middle of a tournament        “It was all official, even the      In addition to the thrill of
       full of Auckland                     toss, it was in front of            refereeing on the world stage,
       representatives in playing           cameras, there was all these        the tournament also offered a
       strips, Antoinette Watts             foreign things going on that I      glimpse of life as a
       proudly flew the flag for match      wasn’t used to, but I tried not     professional match official,
       officials across the region, and     to think about it all too much.     with the squad required to
       country, at the 2017 Women’s                                             take part in intensive training
       Rugby League World Cup.                                                  and analysis sessions on free
                                            “As soon as I blew the whistle,     days.
                                            and this happens to me every
       The only New Zealand-based           game, once I blow the whistle I     With it came the opportunity
       match official selected to                                               to learn from some of the
       referee a game at either the                                             NRL’s best and most-
       men’s or women’s tournament,           “I was honoured to be             experienced whistle blowers,
       Watts was in charge of                 out there representing            with Watts’ first match being
       Australia’s opening match                   New Zealand.”                assessed by veteran Gavin
       against the Cook Islands.                                                Reynolds.

                                            feel like I am in my zone and       “I have been doing sidelines
       “There was huge hype. You’re         you just focus on the game.         for the NSW Cup and the U-20
       in Australia, you’re about to                                            competitions, but that is quite
       referee their team, the                                                  different to being selected for
       Jillaroos, so it was quite nerve-    “To get a middle, I was             a World Cup,” Watts said.
       wracking,” Watts said.               honoured to be out there
                                            representing New Zealand. It
                                            was a massive thing.”
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