Page 5 - League Lens - Feb 2018
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“From there I got involved with “It was always fun to be The opportunity to be involved
rep management and served as involved with the Vulcans and with the women’s game was a
a manager for the south region see players take their no-brainer for Mike.
and Auckland Vulcans, which opportunity and run with it.”
then led on to match
managing. “It was an easy decision
The Farrelly Photos Auckland because there was a good
Women’s Premiership has gone synergy between Farrelly
“I have been doing Fox games from strength-to-strength in Photos and women’s league,”
for the last five years at recent years, highlighted by he says.
Howick, and that association the fact that 21 of the 24
led to me joining Howick as players in the Kiwi Ferns’
secretary, while I have also Women’s Rugby League World “It’s a great opportunity and
done some match managing for Cup squad last year came from part of what has been a long-
the NZRL in the National the Auckland comp. term relationship with the
Premiership. Auckland Rugby League.”
With the support of Farrelly
“Since becoming a volunteer it Photos, the ARL will once again
has been the Vulcans, and stage the Women in League
seeing some of those boys day in Auckland, with a
come through and play at number of games set to be
higher levels that I’ve enjoyed streamed live around the
most. world, following the success of
the day in 2017, where three
games were streamed back-to-
back from Cornwall Park.