Page 4 - League Lens - Feb 2018
P. 4


       When Farrelly Photos signed on       “I wasn’t really involved in        ARL, but he had a desire to
       as the sponsor of the 2018           league at all when I was young.  give back.
       Auckland Rugby League                Dad ran his business from
       Women’s Premiership late last        home and I was always around
       year, it confirmed the next          photography, it was a school        “I cooked up thousands of
       step in a relationship which         holiday job.                        sausages for kids through those
       has been going strong for more                                           years, it put me off sausages
       than four decades.                                                       for life actually!
                                            “I was trimming and mounting
                                            photos, helping to print to
       The ARL’s official photographer      boards, that’s how we would         “I remained on the junior
       since 1976, what started as a        spend our school holidays           management committee
       business transaction has well        earning pocket money.”              through the 2000s and then
       and truly become a labour of                                             moved up to the senior
       love for the company and                                                 management committee.
       owner Mike Farrelly.                 After joining the family
                                            business in the mid 1980s,
                                            Mike’s involvement with rugby
       “It started out very much as a       league remained minimal
       business interest for my dad,        outside of Farrelly Photos’
       Jim, who started doing photos        work with clubs and at the
       for the ARL,” Mike says.
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