Page 3 - League Lens - Feb 2018
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Happy new year and welcome to the first ARL eMagazine for 2018, featuring fresh
content, a new format and a new name in League Lens.
Hibiscus Coast Raiders at
We're looking forward to a Stanmore Bay.
number of events coming up The Nines is a great
over the next few months. In opportunity for a pre-season
a major step for the bonding experience, the
development of women's trialling of some up and
rugby league in Auckland, coming club juniors and an
female players will for the opportunity to run some of
first time be eligible to the bigger boys into match
attend the ARL JETS Camp in fitness.
I hope that everyone has All clubs are invited to play in
enjoyed their break from the The JETS (Junior Educational the Sportsafe ARL Nines, so if
rugby league season and is Training System) Camp will you're not yet registered get
ready for another big year celebrate its 30th year when in quick by emailing football
ahead. it welcomes some of the best manager Pat Carthy at
13-17-year-old league players
to Camp Adair on March 2-4 Registrations close February
I'd like to start off by and will be the first in a 2.
welcoming new staff members string of new initiatives the
David Thach and TJ Ashford, ARL is introducing this year
who join the football for the female game. There's a lot to look forward
development department this to with the new Crown Lift
year. David has transferred Trucks Sharman Cup
from the administration It's a huge step for rugby Premiership format and of
department while Corey Rosser league in Auckland and we course the ARL's newest
has returned in a full-time role can't wait to give the next team, the Franklin Storm, a
in digital communications as generation of female players side comprising of players
well. the best possible start in the from the Tuakau, Waiuku and
game. For those interested in Pukekohe clubs. The SAS Fox
attending the camp, you can Memorial Premiership will be
We've kicked the year off with register online at another tight one and while
the running of our ARL Holiday or get venues are yet to be
Blasts, a series of holiday more information by emailing confirmed by council, the
programmes which have been a football development officer season will open with a re-
huge hit with parents and kids. Viggo Rasmussen at match of the 2017 Grand
The blasts have been a great Final, with Glenora taking on
way to keep the kids active z. Pt Chevalier.
outdoors and have been a real
bonus for those returning to
work too. We'll be running We also have the annual Thanks for reading,
more of these over the next Sportsafe ARL Nines coming
school break, so make sure you up on Saturday, March 10, Greg Whaiapu
keep up to date on our website held at the home of the
and social media pages.