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IGEM NEWS | Membership Services Update

                 Head of Membership Claire McHugh updates
                 Gi on the latest activities of her team                            WELCOME TO OUR
                                                                                    NEW MEMBERS
                 New Industrial Affiliate                                            IGEM would like to welcome the

                                                                                    following people who have joined
                 members for IGEM                                                   the Institution since the last issue
                                                                                    and congratulate those who have
                                                                                    transferred grades
                 IGEM is pleased to introduce our newest Industrial Aliate members
                                                                                    Fellow (FIGEM)    Nathan Roberts
                 FASTFLOW ENERGY                  HARLAXTON GAS                     Wai On Duncan   James Robson
                 SERVICES                         NETWORKS                          Wong           Benjamin Rodd
                 Fastow Energy Services (FES)    Harlaxton Gas Networks is an      David Tomkin   Jamie Rowlatt
                 specialises in the construction,   independent gas transporter     Steven Edwards  Joe Shrieves
                 diversion and rehabilitation of oil   that operates low, medium and               Mitchell Stevens
                 and gas transmission/distribution   intermediate pressure networks   Chartered (CEng   Harry Turp
                 pipelines and associated network   across the UK.                  MIGEM)         Mark Walters
                 infrastructure. FES was established                                Richard Byrne  Daniel Wells
                 in 2012 to support increasing levels   ESG ASSOCIATES              Andrew Hayes   Martin West
                                                                                    Nicole Jackson
                                                                                                   Ryan Wharton
                 of asset maintenance and new     ESG Associates Ltd has over 38 years’   Jun Yang  Luke Woodward
                 construction investment in the   experience working in gas distribution.          Thomas Young
                 energy and utilities industries.  A GIRS accredited design and project   Incorporated   Callum Beddall
                                                  management, ESG Associates        (IEng MIGEM)   David Brown
                 METROPOLITAN ELECTRICAL          specialises in the delivery of technical   Simon Joyce  Alan Proudman
                 SERVICES                         solutions to the energy sector. With   Christopher   Neil Royston
                 Established in 1985, Metropolitan   a wide knowledge of regulation and   Downs
                 has steadily grown to become a   technical compliance, aligned with an   Stuart Monk  Member
                 respected mechanical and electrical   extensive network of relationships   Gemma Parkes-  Manager
                 services provider, delivering the   with all the key stakeholders within   Walley  (MIGEM)
                 highest standard of workmanship   the industry, the company’s goal is to          Wei Liu
                 and technical ability and operating to   simplify and enhance the connections   Engineering   Shaoqiang Xiong
                 industry best practice.          experience. ■                     Technician     Xiang Yin
                                                                                    MIGEM)         Engineering
                  PLANNING FOR YOUR FUTURE                                          Michael Clarke  Associate
                                                                                    Peter Coker
                                                                                    Andrew Darnton  Muzamal Ahmed
                                                                                    George Antrim  James Cowley
                  AS WE REACH the end of 2018, now  appears to have been a waste of   Marcus Lynch  Steven Fisher
                  is a great time to start work on a   time? This should help you start to   Keiran Paterson  Andrew Booth
                  continuing professional development   see activities that work well for you.   Robert Pursey  William Law
                  (CPD) plan for the year ahead.    “Remember that people learn in   Bradley Squires  Kirsty
                    A good CPD plan helps you to look   di§erent ways, so something that   Alexander Dunn  McDermott
                  to the future and allows you to reect  might have been great for friends   Simon Emery  Arron Lawrence
                  on the successes of the previous year.   and colleagues might not have   Joseph Kiddle  Francisco
                    Ross McCart, IGEM Professional   helped you. Now, look back at the   Steven Clark  Moreno Lamela
                  Development O£cer, has the      activities you’ve planned to do for   Jamie Duncan  Sarah Kimpton
                  following advice: “First, think about   2019 and start to prioritise the ones   Simon Farnworth  Andrew Alcock
                  what you want to achieve and    you think will beneŸt you the most.  Tom Fell    Gordon
                                                                                    Thomas Floyd
                  write this down.                  “And that’s it. You now have a CPD   Greg Gunn  Stuart Sherlock
                    “Next think about what you might   plan for 2019. Keep it to hand and   Ciaran Hall  Ewa Trojan
                  do to help you achieve this goal. Are   keep an eye on it every time you   Martin Jackett
                  their certain projects that you can   update your CPD records. It will   Mitchell Kerby  Management
                  get involved in to give you     hopefully help you stay focused as   Aidan Kidd  Associate
                  experience? Do you need some    life happens. When it comes to the   Ryan Lawrence  (AIGEM)
                  further training? Are there materials   end of 2019, you can you use this   James Linford  Loretta Joyce
                  that you can read to further your   plan to help reect on your   Luke Mason        
                  knowledge and understanding? Who   successes and failures. You can then   Harrison   Graduate
                  can you talk to and learn from?   hone your 2020 plan to lead you to   McIntyre  (GradIGEM)  
                  Make a note of these things.    even greater achievements.” ■     Christopher Mills  Ebin Robert
                    “Finally, look back at what you did                             Harley Norman     
                  in 2018. What worked well and what   ■ For advice on completing your   Jake ParŸtt  Student  
                  didn’t. What did you do that you   CPD plan, email   Cormack Peters  Jack Beardsley
                  learned the most from? What     or call +44(0)1509 678150         Callum Reed    Niall McLaughlin


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