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QUEEN’S AWARD now attracts over 3,000 visitors each
year. It is one of only three preserved
FOR VOLUNTEERS gasworks in Britain and Ireland.
Past Section Chair David Goodall
REIGNITING GASWORKS joined a number of IGEM Industrial
A¡liates in a ceremony to honour the
society, which has a long-held
association with the Institution.
Lord Lieutenant Christie said: “I am
honoured to present the Carrickfergus
Gasworks Preservation Society with
this most prestigious of awards for
their valiant eorts in preserving such
a remarkable piece of history and
reimagining it for the future.
“It’s marvellous to have such a rare
piece of history on our doorstep and
it is inspiring to see the abounding
passion and dedication that the team
has put into preserving our heritage
IN AUGUST, the Carrickfergus held at the Flame Gasworks Museum. and continuing to celebrate it
Gasworks Preservation Society This event was attended by over 100 through the work of the Flame
received the prestigious Queen’s dignitaries and special guests. Gasworks Museum.”
Award for Voluntary Service for its Located in historic Carrickfergus, the David added: “For anyone who
work in preserving Ireland’s only gasworks opened in 1855 and supplied hasn’t yet been to Flame Gasworks
Victorian coal gasworks for museum the town with gas made from coal Museum, we would encourage you to
and community use. until 1967. It was subsequently used to visit and witness an incredible piece of
Thirty volunteers accepted the distribute gas piped from Belfast until Victorian history which celebrates the
accolade from Her Majesty’s Lord its closure in 1987. In 2002, the legacy and industrial development of
Lieutenant of County Antrim Joan restored former gasworks was opened Belfast and Carrickfergus over the
Christie OBE at a special garden party to the public as a visitor attraction that past 160 years.” ■
IGEM IS PROUD Dame Judith was Chair of the The re in Grenfell Tower on 14
to announce that Health and Safety Executive from June 2017 killed 72 people. The
Dame Judith October 2007 to March 2016. She government subsequently
Hackitt will previously served as a Health and commissioned Dame Judith to
deliver the 2019 Safety Commissioner between 2002 produce an independent review of
Sir Denis Rooke and 2005. She was made a Dame in building regulations and re safety.
Memorial Lecture the 2016 New Year Honours for The Hackitt review was published in
following her services to health and safety and May 2018 and contained 53
crucial research in the wake of the engineering, and in particular for recommendations to government
Grenfell tragedy. being a role model for young and the industry to improve
Dame Judith is a chemical engineer women. She was awarded a CBE in standards and safety.
and graduated from Imperial College 2006. In April 2016, she was Following the review, Dame Judith
in 1975. She worked in the chemicals appointed as Chair of EEF, The has been working to promote her
manufacturing industry for 23 years Manufacturers’ Organisation. 100% Hackitt initiative, which
before joining the Chemical Dame Judith is a Fellow of the brings together those who want to
Industries Association (CIA) in 1998. Institution of Chemical Engineers see a cultural change in the
She became Director General of CIA (IChemE) and was President of construction sector to promote
(from 2002 to 2005) and then IChemE from May 2013 to May safety and public trust. ■
worked in Brussels for the European 2014. Dame Judith is also Chair of
Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC). Semta (the Science, Engineering and ■ The Sir Denis Rooke Memorial
She was elected Fellow of the Royal Manufacturing Technologies Lecture takes place on 20 March at
Academy of Engineering in July 2010 Alliance), and a non-executive The King’s Fund, 11-13 Cavendish
and currently chairs its External director of the High Value Square, in London. To book your
Aairs Committee. Manufacturing Catapult. place, visit
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