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IGEM NEWS | Technical Services Update

                 IGEM’s Technical Services team brings you all the news of their latest
                 activities and the standards to look out for in the near future

                  STANDARDS RECENTLY      DRAFT FOR COMMENT       tightness testing and direct   operations for fuel gases in
                  PUBLISHED               IGEM/UP/16 Design for   purging of industrial and   transmission, distribution
                  IGEM/GL/6 Permitry for the   natural gas installations on   commercial gas installations  and storage
                  safe ow of gas         industrial and commercial   IGEM/UP/1A Strength   IGEM/UP/9 Gas turbines
                  IGEM/G/11 Gas Industry   premises with respect to   testing, tightness testing and   and supplementary and
                  Unsafe Situations Procedure  DSEAR              direct purging of small low   auxiliary red burners
                  IGEM/GM/7A Electrical                           pressure industrial and   IGEM/GL/1 Planning
                  connections for gas metering   DRAFTS AFTER     commercial gas installations   distribution systems
                  equipment               COMMENT                 IGEM/UP/6 Application of   IGEM/TD/16 Biomethane
                  IGEM/GM/7B Hazardous    IGEM/UP/21 Liqueed     compressors to natural gas   injection
                  area classication for gas   natural gas fuelling stations  fuel systems  IGEM/TD/17 Steel and PE
                  metering equipment      IGEM/TD/4 PE and steel gas   IGEM/GM/4 Flowmetering   pipelines for biogas
                  IGEM/UP/11 Gas          services and service pipework  practices (>38bar and <100   distribution
                  installations for educational   IGEM/PRS/40 Medium   bar)                IGEM/TD/19 Reinforced
                  establishments          pressure meter installation kits                 thermoplastic pipelines for
                  IGEM/UP/17 Shared chimney   IGEM/PRS/41 Medium   STANDARDS STARTED       high pressure gas
                  and ue systems for     pressure meter installation kits  IGEM/TD/12 Pipework stress   transmission
                  domestic gas appliances  IGEM/PRS/50 Meter serial   analysis for gas industry   IGEM/SR/18 Safe working
                  IGEM/TD/1 Supplement 1   numbering              plant                    practices
                  Handling, transport and                         IGEM/G/6 Gas supplies to   IGEM/GM/5 Electronic gas
                  storage of steel pipe, bends   STANDARDS DUE TO BE   mobile dwellings    meter volume conversion
                  and ttings             PUBLISHED SOON          IGEM/SR/16 Odorant       systems
                  IGEM/TD/101 Adoption of   IGEM/IG/3 Safe recovery of   systems for gas transmission   IGEM/GM/6 Non-domestic
                  pipe systems by a GT –   a LNG road tanker      and distribution         meter installations
                  management of UIP activities  IGEM/UP/1 Strength testing,   IGEM/SR/22 Purging

                 IGEM/GL/6 EDITION 3                                                GET INVOLVED IN

                                                                                    IGEM’S STANDARDS
                 IGEM/GL/6 EDITION 3 Safe control of   •   Development of a CP portfolio
                 operations for gas networks has now   similar to AE as this is not currently   WE TAKE great pride in our
                 been published and is available to   a requirement                 standards and are always on the
                 purchase online in our shop.     •   Inclusion of evidence in the form of   lookout for new panel members. If
                                                   inspection of 3 SCO procedures for   you are working in the industry and
                 The main changes made to the      sign o£ as CP, which is not currently   believe you can make a
                 document include:                 a requirement of SCO1 section 5.3.2   contribution to the review process
                 The risk based approach          •   Stating for AE sign o£ a mix of   then please contact the Technical
                 •   Ability to change/alternative   desktop and onsite inspections   Services team by emailing
                  controls for low risk work activities   required         or calling
                  and link to Safety & Engineering   •   Removal of reference to Meter   +44(0)1509 678150 ■
                  Procedures section – backed by the   Operation Controller from
                  risk assessment undertaken RO*   procedure
                  activities                      •   Inclusion of other activities for
                 •   Reference to 24/7 manned sites   Permit to Work in Appendix 3
                 •   Creation of a Safety & Engineering   •   Appendix 4 changes including
                  Procedures section               section for pipes <2in/63mm and the
                 •   Removal of the Ancillary Safe   requirement for RO/NRO in some
                  System of Work Documentation     instances MP mains <2in/63mm (not
                  section                          services) and LPG
                 •   ClariŠcations around deviations for   •   Change to example Permit to Work
                  SCO procedures and company       form Appendix 5
                  engineering procedures          •   Further guidance/clariŠcation/focus
                 •   Use of the phrase ‘Safe System of   given to contingency plans for NRO’s
                  Work’ to cover SCO to remove the   Appendix 6
                  confusion over permitry for all SCO   •   New symbols added that were
                  procedures and a ‘Permit to Work’   needed for standardisation following
                 •   DeŠnition of experience       new techniques/equipment being
                  requirements for CP/AE           used e.g., gland box ■


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