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IGEM NEWS | Membership


                   OF BEING

                   A MEMBER

                   IGEM Professional
                   Development O
                   Ross McCart discusses
                   the advantages of being
                   in with the in crowd

                 A SURVEY of IGEM members revealed   some research or investigate problems   staying abreast of the latest news
                 that the three main reasons people   you come across. A quick phone call to   and developments in the gas
                 join us are: career and professional   the right person can save you hours of   industry and wider energy sector.
                 development, professional registration   reading through various documents to   IGEM’s respected Gi journal is
                 and to maintain their professional   Šnd an answer.               published 10 times a year and as a
                 status. Here, I’ll explain the main ways   IGEM holds various events   member you’ll receive regular Flame
                 we endeavour to meet these needs   throughout the year both locally and   e-newsletters and other
                 and how you can make the most of   nationally to give our members the   communcations. IGEM events are
                 your membership.                 chance to network with as many   also a great place to stay on top of
                                                  people as possible. IGEM networking   new developments in the industry.
                 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP          events give you an opportunity to   All of these tools are used to help
                 IGEM has several grades of       meet senior members in the gas   keep our members informed. By
                 membership, each with speciŠc    industry in an informal setting.  keeping our members up-to-date
                 criteria. The di£erent grades enable                              we’re helping them maintain their
                 our members to quickly and easily   HAVE A VOICE                  professional status and
                 demonstrate their level of       IGEM writes around 70 standards for   development. We’re also helping to
                 competence depending on their role   the gas industry and is represented on   share best practice and make the gas
                 in the industry. Having professional   various bodies and committees such   industry a safer place to work.
                 membership at any level          as the Gas Quality and Hydrogen
                 demonstrates your commitment to   working groups. We’re the owner of   DEVOTED TO GAS
                 your profession and career. By taking   the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations   The one thing these elements have in
                 the time to go through an application   Procedure and secretariat for the   common is that they are all dedicated
                 process, members are displaying a   Large Business Forum. IGEM is   to the gas industry. There are many
                 level of professionalism that    involved at every level of the gas   di£erent membership organisations,
                 employers value.                 industry. What this really means is   but IGEM is the only Professional
                   Professional registration provides a   that IGEM’s members are involved   Engineering Institution created to
                 benchmark from which the public,   and have a voice in the industry. It is   serve the gas industry. This means
                 employers and clients can derive   IGEM’s members that sit on these   that all of the people you network
                 conŠdence and trust that engineers   groups, it is IGEM members that write   with work in gas and all the
                 have met globally recognised     the standards and it is IGEM members   information we give you relates to the
                 professional standards. To acheive   that decide the shape of the gas   industry you love.
                 CEng, IEng or EngTech registration, an   industry. By joining IGEM, you have an   While these are some of the key
                 individual’s competence and      opportunity to be part of these   beneŠts, there are many others such
                 commitment is independenty assessed   discussions and have a voice in your   as IGEM’s reward scheme, our online
                 by his/her peers.                industry.                        CPD tool mycareerpath and discounts
                                                                                   to IGEM standards. All of these
                 GROW YOUR NETWORK                STAY INFORMED                    beneŠts help IGEM to support its
                 Having a good network of contacts is   IGEM appreciates that not everyone   members meet our vision to be the
                 an invaluable tool for progressing your   has time to get involved with   pre-eminent institution for gas
                 career. Networking helps you to source   various committees and working   professionals across the world. ■
                 new suppliers, potential new contracts   groups, but still needs to be kept
                 and job opportunities. Networking also   current. This brings us to the next   ■ For more about joining IGEM, email
                 helps if you ever need to complete   key beneŠt of IGEM membership;


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