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IGEM NEWS | Events
By Ben Kuchta, Midlands Section Chair
IN OCTOBER, the Midlands Section Plus, Solutions for the Planet and improving safety, asset security,
hosted its
rst ever Innovation Steve Vick International. eciency and future talent. It’s
Showcase at Meetpoint Midlands at Les Dawson OBE rounded o the important to host these events so
IGEM House, welcoming over 40 evening with his enlightening that individuals, SMEs and large
delegates. presentation, entitled: ‘Trouble maker companies have the opportunity to
The competition saw David better known as a disruptive present their new products, processes
MacDonald from Radius Plus Limited, innovator’. This covered his 35 years in and services as well as share
Neil Brammall from Utility Survey management for various utility knowledge with their peers.
Exchange Ltd, Rob Lumb from companies and the importance of We will be running the event again
Synthotech and Steven Law from ALH mastering one’s own role within the next year and I’d like to thank the
Systems Ltd present their latest work workplace and beyond. competitors, exhibitors and my fellow
to a panel of expert judges. The event closed with the judges judges David Jones and Kate Grant for
Aer the presentations, delegates announcing Rob Lumb of Synthotech their time and knowledge on the panel.
had the chance to network with as the winner of the Innovation Many congratulations to Rob on his win.
colleagues from across the industry Showcase competition. On behalf of the Midlands Section,
and to engage with event exhibitors Innovation is at the heart of keeping we look forward to seeing you again
ALH Systems Limited, Cadent, Radius our industry moving forward; next year. ■
MAINTENANCE IN AMBERGATE opportunity for the wider industry
to gain a better understanding of
the range of pipeline intervention
A GROUP OF IGEM members There followed a showcase and solutions the PMC has to oer.
attended the Pipelines demonstration of a host of “A mixture of new and familiar
Maintenance Centre (PMC) depot innovations developed in-house by faces created a great forum to
in Ambergate for a technical visit. the PMC technicians and engineers. share and discuss current
The visit involved a guided tour These included a revolutionary challenges, while promoting new
around the vast site and a look technique for injecting grease into innovative methods of adding value
around the various workshops valves that are missing an isolation to ageing assets.”
where the Ambergate technicians root valve and a tool that re-grinds The demand for the event was
conduct activities such as welding, the sealing face of the valve. so high that PMC will be hosting
fabrication, maintenance, blasting Josh Eades, Project Engineer for another event very soon, so watch
and painting. PMC, said: “This was a great this space for more information. ■
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