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IGEM NEWS | EngTech of the year
REWARDING experience in the Distribution National
Control Centre before moving on to
British Gas to work as a Technical
THE BEST Engineer and then to Gas Safe Register.
As National Technical Support
Manager and Incident Investigator at
Gas Safe Register, his work involves
the day to day running and operation
of the technical department, as well
as being part of the specialised
IGEM is proud to announce that David Tomkin, of Gas incident investigations team.
Safe Register, is the recipient of our EngTech of the Year He said: “The role is diverse in
Award for 2018. Let’s get to know David and nd out how nature, challenging and thankless at
he stood out from the competition times, but I am privileged to directly
manage a group of technical ocers
who are dedicated and talented in
their job with many years of
experience in the industry – they do
make my life easier and they deserve
that recognition.”
David’s long term goal is to
become a Chartered Engineer, so his
prize money will go towards a
Master’s Degree, which he’ll start in
the New Year.
“In the meantime, I hope to continue
to try and support as many engineers
across the industry as I can,” he said.
“I have been so fortunate
throughout my career to have been
supported and helped by so many; I
feel it is only right to do the same for
others. I will continue to support and
help anyone wishing to join IGEM
and to remain as active with the
Institution as possible.”
Thomas Donnelly, Certication
Manager with the British Standards
Institution (BSI), nominated David for
the award, saying he is “yet to meet
another person with equal industry
knowledge, enthusiasm to develop
THE ENGTECH of the Year award Engineering Technicians in the gas and willingness to help others”.
recognises one outstanding IGEM industry, so sometimes I wonder if “When I saw IGEM were running this
member who is making a stellar this was a mistake.” award, I couldn’t think of anyone more
contribution to the gas industry and David was attracted to the idea of deserving than Dave,” said Thomas.
wider community. an engineering career from a young “I know that Dave has volunteered a
The winner of this award receives an age and on leaving school was lot of his own time to help people
educational grant of £1,500 to support accepted to study Aeronautical inside and outside of the gas industry
their career development, which this Engineering at university. However, a and that CPD is something he takes
year goes to David Tomkin, Technical vocational path called and instead he very seriously.
Support Manager and Gas Incident ended up taking an apprenticeship “He has unocially been my mentor
Investigator for Gas Safe Register. with Transco (which later became for almost two years now, which has
A Fellow of IGEM, David said: Northern Gas Networks). included being my sponsor to join
“Winning the award is a wonderful He said: “I remember reading what IGEM, giving me career advice and
feeling if not a bit surreal – I don’t think was involved in the apprenticeship being someone to talk to when I
of myself as something special, so to and the gas industry seemed needed technical advice,” he added. ■
be recognised for just trying to be the interesting, engineering-based and it
best engineer I can with what I’ve been really appealed to me. The ■ The award will run again in 2019
given is a truly humbling experience.” opportunity to learn and earn was to select another EngTech member
“I have always been very self- also very appealing – it was like being who has gone above and beyond
critical and I certainly have never paid to go to uni.” their duties to help support the
sought the limelight. I look around During this time, David worked in industry. Applications will open in
me and see so many other amazing emergency response and gained March next year.
IGEMNews_EngTech_Benefits.indd 1 15/11/2018 15:14