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FIGURE 1: Calibrating the scanner  FIGURE 2: Defects visible in Pipecheck so	ware

                 Before a P/11 inspection is conducted,   To become a qualied mechanical   This is due to the technician needing
                 the wall thickness (NWT) must rst   damage technician, the technician   physical contact with the pipeline.
                 be obtained using ultrasonic     must complete a four-day course and   The technician has to do the best
                 equipment accurate to 0.1mm.     be mentored on three occasions when   they can with the apparatus available
                   The technician should then measure   conducting the assessment. The   to assess the defect in close proximity
                 the peak depth and the axial length of   assessment can be undertaken to   to one of the above obstacles and will
                 the defect. When conducting the   assess numerous dierent types of   always classify the defect as being
                 inspection, the technician will also   defects including: gauges, cracks,   more severe than it may be.
                 inspect visually for any cracking   dents, stress cracking corrosion,   This can result in a change in
                 present; if there is a possibility of   general corrosion, pitting corrosion,   remedial works and an increase in
                 cracking, the technician must conduct   alternating current (AC) corrosion,   costs, which may not be necessary.
                 a magnetic partial inspection (MPI) as   spalling, arc strikes, laps or slivers (T/  The 3D scanner, on the other hand,
                 per T/SP/NDT/2.                  PM/P/11 – February 2012).        does not rely on physical contact with
                   Once all the information necessary   The Creaform HandySCAN 3D   the pipeline, therefore can assess
                 has been obtained, the technician will   handheld scanner and accompanying   defects with the same degree of
                 then conduct a full P/11 inspection of   Pipecheck so”ware is a new and   accuracy wherever their location.
                 the defected area, this inspection may   innovative way to conduct a P/11   The scanner comes with a rugged,
                 vary dependant on the type of defect.   inspection.               weatherproof eld pack, which can be
                   The P/11 procedure was originated in   This method uses laser sensing   used in all environments including
                 August 1974 as BGC/PS/CP/P11 and   technology to obtain the data   excavations, work at height and
                 has been edited and revised 12 times   necessary to create a 3D image of the   conned spaces.
                 to date. The procedure available today   pipeline in the Pipecheck so”ware.   To conduct the assessment, the
                 is very dierent to the original,   A laser is projected onto the pipeline   technician rst places 6mm magnets
                 however the method of inspection has  and a set of two cameras record the   approximately 100mm apart on the
                 hardly changed.                  laser line curvatures, following the   pipeline (see Figure 1). This is to
                   The traditional method of      surface shape in real time.      enable the Pipecheck so”ware to
                 conducting the procedure was to take   The scanner has the ability to cover   recalibrate the scanner.
                 various mechanical measurements   100 per cent of the pipeline surface,   The technician scans over the full
                 using straight edges and depth   providing a huge amount of data   circumference of the pipeline,
                 gauges to obtain the necessary   points. Having a complete set of data   approximately 250mm o the pipeline
                 measurement data and assess the   increases the operator’s condence in   surface along the defected area, until
                 defect. When inspecting areas of   the results.                   the image has been created and the
                 corrosion on a section of pipeline, a   The time taken to scan a section of   data validated in Pipecheck so”ware
                 large amount of data is required to   pipeline is constant, regardless of the   (see Figure 2).
                 properly assess the corrosion, so this   defects present, and the scanner can   Creaform conducted a case study
                 is a very lengthy process and can   produce results up to 80 per cent   whereby a section of defected pipeline
                 result in limited data quality.   faster than the traditional method.   containing a dent was assessed by
                   Inspecting a large section of    The traditional method falls down   four independent mechanical damage
                 corrosion or an area with multiple   when inspecting defects in close   technicians using the traditional
                 defects present can become very   proximity to welds (both seam and   method. The same four technicians
                 costly due to the inspection taking a   girth welds), on bends, near tees and   then assessed the same defect using
                 number of days.                  near pressure points/stabbings.   the scanner.


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