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                  INDUSTRIAL               YPPC 2018                TECHNICAL               DIARY DATES
                  AFFLIATES                                         SERVICES UPDATE
                  32-33 34-36                                      40-41 46-47

                 ■ Collaborative energy   Chris Packwood,         IGEM’s Technical         ■ Technical courses
                 project hosts Cabinet    Project Supervisor –    Services team brings
                 Secretary visit          Pipelines with Cadent   you all the news of
                                          Gas and YPPC 2018       their latest activities
                                          nalist explains how    and the standards to
                                          handheld scanners are   look out for in the
                                          reducing operational    near future
                                          costs for inspection
                                          engineers                 EVENTS                 ■ Young Persons

                                           ENGTECH OF THE                                  Network
                                           YEAR                    42-45                   ■ IGEM conferences

                 ■ New partnership will                           ■ Disrupt, evolve,
                 promote carbon capture                           innovate
                 technology to help meet   Rewarding the best     ■ IGEM gets to
                 climate challenge        IGEM is proud to
                                          announce that David     grips with pipeline
                                          Tomkin, of Gas Safe     maintenance in           ■ Membership
                                          Register, is the recipient   Ambergate           ■ Section events
                                          of our EngTech of the
                                          Year Award for 2018.    ■ Welsh Section at       ■ Save the date
                                                                  Cardi‚’s ERF
                                           IGEM                   ■ Gas past and present    MEMBERSHIP
                                           MEMBERSHIP             ■ Welsh delight           SERVICES UPDATE
                                          39                      ■ Queen’s Award for       48

                                                                  volunteers reigniting
                 ■ Recognition for MUS    Benets of being        gasworks                 Head of Membership
                 training programme       a member
                                          IGEM Professional                                Claire McHugh
                                          Development O’cer                                updates Gi on the
                                          Ross McCart discusses                            latest activities of
                                          the advantages of being                          her team
                                          in with the in crowd
                                                                                            OBITUARIES AND
                                                                                            GAS PEOPLE
                                                                  ■ Dame Judith Hackitt
                                                                  to deliver Sir Denis      50
                                                                  Rooke Memorial Lecture


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