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delivery of hydrogen for our
customers. Of course, the H100
demonstration will be small scale, but
it’s real, and will be suciently
representative to draw conclusions
from the evidence it produces.
One thing all our studies show is
that decarbonising gas is the most
cost-ecient pathway for cutting
heat-related emissions.
I think it’s fair to say transport isn’t a
traditional hunting ground for gas
networks, but when you consider 25
Opening up the gas market per cent of road transport emissions
are from diesel HGVs, which only
that the RHI biomethane taris were recently said: “Clean, green and safe account for ve per cent of
reset to April 2016 levels, thus hydrogen has an exciting role to play vehicle miles, it seems obvious that
providing some of the certainty heating the UK, but needs to be ecient gas vehicles could have a
investors want and giving them cheaper and more widely available.” I, very important role to play.
con dence to progress this technology. for one, agree and helping that vision Around the country, we’re already
Along with water treatment, food come to fruition is some excellent seeing HGVs and buses convert to
waste and crops, another source of industry collaboration. compressed natural gas, which is
green gas currently being deployed is The rst option for hydrogen is to helping to improve air quality. In our
Bio-SNG, or bio synthetic natural gas. blend it into the mix of gases. Current home patch, we’ve connected Reading
Here, Cadent has been supporting a gas quality regulations from the North buses to the national gas grid and if
trial in Swindon, which uses game- Sea only allow 0.1 per cent hydrogen (or when) hydrogen becomes more
changing gasi cation technology to to be mixed in the GB network. Hardly readily available, we may see it used
make BioSNG from household waste anything at all. However, Cadent is extensively for transport.
and waste wood. The gogreengas undertaking a project on Keele
project has proved the technical and University’s private gas network, SUMMARY
commercial feasibility of making this aiming to show that natural gas While hydrogen is certainly making
waste into gas, hence the decision to blended with up to 20 per cent technological leaps just now, both in
go ahead and build the new plant. hydrogen can be used safely. blending and possible use in dedicated
More success came from our The industry is now looking at the networks and eventually transport, it’s
Opening up the Gas Speci cation creation of bespoke gas networks that not the only game in town.
Project, which took place in Oban in have all the carbon removed and can Come 2050 we will need to have a
the west of Scotland. Here we be achieved through repurposing parts fully integrated and multi-faceted
showed the UK’s gas networks have of the gas grid to carry 100 per cent energy industry serving the country.
the capability to safely transport a hydrogen. This proposition has already Blended gas in networks will play a
wider range of gases than currently been shown to be a commercially signi cant role alongside heat pumps,
allowed, and most importantly, attractive means of decarbonisation hydrogen networks will be
without the need for expensive through Northern Gas Network’s strategically placed, district heating
processing. We’ve now rolled this (NGN) H21 project, which looked at the will play a part in some urban centres
change out to our Scottish potential (on paper) to convert the gas and electric heat pumps will come
independent undertakings, with network in Leeds to run on hydrogen. into their own for o-grid properties.
around 8,000 customers now safely In tandem with the good work by What we now urgently need to
supplied by a wider range of gas. NGN, our H100 project is looking to support a low carbon (or even no
Of course, all this brings with it construct the UK’s rst purpose- carbon) Britain are two things: rst, a
more opportunities for biomethane built hydrogen network at a location process of long term total energy
and other green gases and one in in Scotland. planning, and secondly, that
particular: hydrogen. H100 will look to develop site- regulatory settlements also look to
speci c evidence to support the the long term.
BEING DEVELOPED NOW construction of a physical 100 per These will then help our industry
It’s a good moment to quote our cent hydrogen demonstration to attract the investment it needs, so we
Energy Minister Claire Perry, who establish the safe and ecient can apply more innovation, bring
transformation and ultimately deliver
decarbonisation. ■
All this brings with it more opportunities ■ For more information on SGN’s
for biomethane and other green gases work on the future of gas, visit
and one in particular: hydrogen
FutureOfGasSNG.indd 2 15/11/2018 14:43