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                            By Jon Parr,          integrated within customer processes to
                            Managing              help improve network management,
                            Director, Lowri       monitoring and control activities. This
                                                  facilitates better analysis and review of
                            Beck Services         performance trends across a portfolio
                                                  of devices, enabling the detailed and
                         mart meters, smart homes,   remote comparison of technology, such
                         smart grids; the utility sector   as pressure transducers across any
                         is in the midst of a digital   given network relative to time,
                         revolution that’s driving   temperature or service.
                 S innovation across every area     From this expanding knowledge
                 of the energy industry value chain.  base, automatic trigger points can be
                   Much of the focus is on how the   set for remedial action or the
                 use of digital technology and data will   exchange of equipment,
                 improve the operational eciency of   communicated seamlessly to the
                 energy companies while           physical services provider to take the
                 simultaneously enhancing the end   appropriate steps, usually as part of a
                 user experience. However, one area   service level agreement.
                 that is also undergoing something of a   Digital connectivity and integration
                 transformation in the gas sector is   across the value chain has grown
                 physical services. Because no matter   exponentially for physical services
                 how smart the technology, how    providers in recent years, with the line
                 detailed the analytics, how inventive   of communication stretching across   SUPPLY CHAIN INNOVATION
                 the algorithms predicting customer   the entire supply chain through to the   Moreover, data exchanged across
                 engagement, there’s still a      energy supplier and into the realm of   supply chains has transformed the
                 fundamental role for trained engineers  end user liaisons.        need to hold large stocks of products
                 capable of putting meters on walls   Here, taking meter installations as   and components among physical
                 safely and who are ready and able to   an example, there is a seamless digital   services providers. Items are called
                 respond to events.               process triggered as soon as an order   o‹ individually and digitally for each
                   That’s not to say there hasn’t been a   is raised. Beyond the initial contact by   job, pre-packaged in boxes with the
                 seismic shi in the adoption of new   the gas supplier, using the end user’s   components required and delivered
                 technologies and working practices in   preferred communication method,   securely overnight, directly into
                 this area of industry. Physical services   data is shared through a common end   engineers’ vans.
                 providers, including Lowri Beck,   user/supplier/installer portal which,   This ensures that when the engineer
                 remain an integral part of the gas   upon job con„rmation, triggers an   starts his or her day, six or 12 new
                 industry value chain, responsible for   automated process that takes account   plastic boxes will already be onboard,
                 making the smart meter programme   of stock order, logistics supply and job  each one containing the pre-packaged
                 real for millions of homes while   assignment to an accredited engineer   kit required for three jobs, typically
                 processing and sharing thousands of   and installation con„rmation.   containing a meter, regulator, „ttings
                 bits of data with multiple energy   Currently, around 65 per cent of all   and components – all ready to go and
                 suppliers, logistics companies and   Lowri Beck installations are processed   each allocated to a speci„c
                 meter technology providers every day.   automatically from start to „nish   assignment. In e‹ect, digitalisation of
                   Today’s installation engineers still   (aside from physical services) and that   this process has made every engineer
                 carry the traditional tools of their   proportion will only grow as digital   van a ‘pallet’ in a virtual warehouse.
                 trade, but just as indispensable are   systems become ever more     This is a complete transformation of
                 the digital capture and location   mainstream in daily life.      historical practices, replacing manual
                 devices used to trace, track and record   This information Šow replaces a   recording and the delivery and collection
                 jobs and then communicate        process that previously would have   of individual products in boxes of 10, 20
                 completion and evidential installation   required a small army of customer   or 50 components from a depot. It also
                 and asset documentation remotely to   services operatives, the major   enables a complete stock-take to be
                 their customers.                 di‹erence from years past being that   undertaken with a single click,
                   While the collection of digital records   the physical services provider is now   identifying the status of every available
                 is in part required by regulation, the   responsible more than ever for end   product, tied to a speci„ed job.
                 majority of data made available through   user liaison and, ultimately,   Engineers receive their work
                 physical services intervention is   satisfaction.                 schedules electronically, and are


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