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maintenance of a safety-instrumented

                 system. DNVGL-RP-G108 applies not   FIGURE 1 Managing cyber risk across IT and OT
                 only to new installations; existing and
                 more mature assets may need to be
                 updated to prevent and protect               n ormation technolo   in the o  ice domain
                 against cyber threats.
                   The RP is intended to include all                     
                 elements – people, processes,                           
                 technology – to ensure cyber security is                
                 addressed in industrial automation and                  
                 control systems. This includes the asset
                 owner/operator, system integrator,
                 product supplier, service provider and    perational technolo   in the process control domain
                 compliance authority. The practice
                 explains shared responsibilities and                    
                 describes who performs activities, who                  
                 should be involved, and the expected                                           L
                 inputs and outputs.                                                              D
                                                                          D
                 SIMULATING ATTACKS TO
                 IDENTIFY CYBER
                 Simulating a cyber-attack on a pipeline        perational c  er threats and protection
                 system can demonstrate strengths
                 and weaknesses within an organisation
                 and is a practical exercise to start                                           D
                 building defences. Some companies,
                 including DNV GL, recruit and develop
                 ‘ethical hackers’ to perform testing
                 and veri†cation of OT, IT and linkages
                 between them. 2
                   DNV GL’s ethical hackers combine
                 hacking expertise with profound
                 domain knowledge of OT.                                                        V
                   The ethical hacking process begins
                 with passive and active reconnaissance
                 of an asset or system’s cyber security.
                 Remote metering of infrastructure                                                       ©2017 DNV GL
                 scans for potential vulnerabilities, for
                 example. If any are found, the next
                 step is to try to gain access through   critical, cyber-enabled infrastructure,   technical capabilities and related
                 penetration testing to reveal actual   such as gas networks. Applied at the   processes, and of technical and
                 vulnerabilities and help customers   concept phase, it can then be used to   organisational measures.
                 mitigate risk.                   validate the eŽectiveness of the   The technical implementation and
                   From the use of default system   barriers that were initially designed   con†guration in the industrial
                 passwords and missing patching, to   into the integrated system.  automation and control system, and
                 unsecured WiFi providing a route into   DNV GL’s Technical Assurance   how this system is operated,
                 control systems, vulnerabilities can be   Laboratory oŽers tools and techniques   maintained, and deployed will be
                 simple. Ethical hackers also scan for   to detect device “aws as part of a   re“ected in the protection level. DNV
                 weaknesses in customer OT and IT   product security evaluation service   GL intends to update DNVGL-
                 systems that could be used to enter   currently being applied in the sector.   RP-G108 regularly to incorporate
                 and exploit the system to aŽect   This service includes applying ethical   industry experience, new and updated
                 operations or access con†dential   hacking techniques to products.  standards, and fresh developments. ■
                 information. Some of this scanning and
                 testing can be carried out remotely.  KEEPING UP WITH STANDARDS   ■ Download DNV GL’s Recommended
                                                  Cyber security is an ever-changing   Practice at
                 ETHICAL HACKING FOR              challenge, requiring continual   download/dnvgl-rp-g108-cyber-
                 VERIFICATION AND                 updates to standards. IEC 62443   security-in-the-oil-and-gas-industry-
                 TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION          committees will likely issue a new   based-on-IEC-62443.html
                 Ethical hacking can also assist the   standard for protection levels in the
                 veri†cation and technical quali†cation   future, for instance. Protection level   REFERENCES
                 of equipment and systems.        is a methodology for evaluating   1. Condence and control: The outlook for the oil and gas
                 Penetration testing is a relevant   protection of plants in operation. It   industry in 2018, DNV GL, January 2018
                                                                                   2. Ethical hacking: The white hats in DNV GL cyber security
                 third-party veri†cation step for any   includes combined evaluation of   services, K Ording, DNV GL


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