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             The Donkin Asset Protection System for Valves, a unique

             Polyurethane coating explicitly developed for the Gas Industry.

               uilding long-term relationships and providing   The result of this approach was the development   Full product traceability
             Binnovative solutions for our customers, business   and launch of the Series 555/370 Polyethylene   The final element of the Donkin Asset Protection
             partners and supply chain are key elements of   (PE) Ended Gas Valve with a polyurethane   System is traceability. Both AVK and their gas
             AVK’s Expect Values. One such example of   coating developed specifically for the Gas Industry.   customers understand the importance of being able
             AVK UK successfully delivering its values is the   This unique high performance coating has been   to track valve assets for operational requirements.
             Donkin Asset Protection System for Valves.   intentionally developed by AVK to withstand the   Every valve is now fitted with a QR code label
             In conjunction with AVK UK Limited subsidiary   rigors and challenges of underground installation.   through which the AVK Valve Installation
             Bryan Donkin Valves Ltd, the industry leading gas                       Tracker (AVIT) app can provide an accurate GPS
             valve manufacturer since 1847, the company has   Industry leading standards  location, log all the relevant installation details and
             collaboratively worked with leading stakeholders   Whilst other coatings are now available on the   provide a genuine picture of the installation for
             in the UK and Overseas Gas industries to provide   market it is believed that the AVK UK coating is the   quality audit purposes. This same QR code also
             innovative and resilient solutions to resolve a   only one meeting the specification requirements of   provides full product traceability throughout the
             number of issues around valve asset life, corrosion   BS EN 10290 and industry standard T/SP/CW/6-2.   manufacturing process at Bryan Donkin Valves Ltd.
             protection, asset integrity and traceability.  This compliments the AVK UK strategy that safety
                                                 critical products must meet and benefit from the   20 Year Warranty
             Mike Skeemer, Market Sector Manager Gas for AVK   highest manufacturing standards. In the 12 months   Confident of the customer benefits, to the gas
             UK Limited explained the need for this collaborative   since its introduction the PUR coating has become   industry and of the systems resilience, AVK UK offer
             approach to the project. “There were a number   the preferred choice for buried valves, in the UK gas   a 20-year Warranty on all Series 555/370 valves
             of key drivers for this project, some customer led   distribution sector.    supplied with the new AVK UK PUR Coating and
             in response to their own key strategies; such as                        registered onto the AVIT system at installation.
             Health and Safety and the optimisation of “whole   AVK UK became the first manufacturer in the gas
             life cost”, others were internally driven through   distribution sector to achieve the international   For further details on the Donkin Asset Protection
             our own innovation teams based on Donkin’s   standard ISO/TS 29001:2011 for its entire   System for Valves and other innovative AVK UK
             unprecedented experience in the gas sector. It   design-to-delivery, gas valve manufacturing   Limited products please contact:
             became apparent during early research that an   process – This is the highest safety based standard   Mike Skeemer
             innovative and resilient solution was required.”  a manufacturer can achieve in this sector and   Market Sector Manager Gas
                                                 involves an intensive auditing process.  E:
             Trusted solution provider                                               M: +44 (0) 7770 533511
             As a long-term and experienced partner to the   Full Protection
             Gas Utility Industry, the AVK and Donkin team   AVK recognise that many valves also need to be   Or visit our website:
             were tasked with providing the solution, it was   supplied with flanged connections and so the same
                                                 PUR coating is applied to our 555/300 range of
             recognised through extensive collaborative   PUR coating is applied to our 555/300 range of
                                                 gate valves. These valves are fully protected on
             discussion that the scope of the project should be   gate valves. These valves are fully protected on
                                                 the valve body and bonnet but will still require
             as follows:                         the valve body and bonnet but will still require
                                                 the connecting flanges to be protected as part of
                                                 the connecting flanges to be protected as part of
                                                 the installation. In addition to the new coating, a
             •   To simplify the installation of valves, reducing   the installation. In addition to the new coating, a
                                                 corrosion resistant, stainless steel Gr 303 spindle is
                 the time to install and the risk of gas escape   corrosion resistant, stainless steel Gr 303 spindle is
                                                 supplied as standard throughout the size range.
                 through flanged joints.          supplied as standard throughout the size range.
             •   To provide an industry accepted robust
                 external protection solution that would   Optimum corrosion protection
                                                 The Donkin Asset Protection System coating
                 negate the need for secondary site applied   The Donkin Asset Protection System coating
                                                 was originally developed jointly by AVK in the
                 protection.                     was originally developed jointly by AVK in the
                                                 Netherlands and a German polymer manufacturer
             •   To provide a factory applied corrosion coating   Netherlands and a German polymer manufacturer
                                                 in 1995 to withstand the challenges of buried
                 for buried valves that has proven performance   in 1995 to withstand the challenges of buried
                                                 service for gate valves and now through 20+ years
                 characteristics to recognised industry   service for gate valves and now through 20+ years
                                                 of use is proving to be the optimum solution to
                 standards.                      of use is proving to be the optimum solution to
                                                 corrosion protection of the 555 gate valve range in
                                                 corrosion protection of the 555 gate valve range in
                                                 the UK.
             •   No need to corrosion protection wrap PE tailed valves
             •   Much quicker installations times
             •   Extremely robust coating, minimum 1500 microns
             •   Valves individually holiday tested
             •   Valve asset tracking - AVK Valve Installation Tracker
             •   Coating compliant with recognised standards EN 10290 and T/SP/CW/6-2
             •   Valves approved to GIS V7 part 1 and PL3

                            Mike Skeemer: Market Sector Manager - Gas                                T:  +44 (0) 1246 479100
                            E:                                                   E:
                            M: +44 (0) 7770 533511                                               

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