Page 14 - 10. Gi_Dec-Jan2019_LR
P. 14


                 Budget 2018: Apprenticeship fees

                 halved to 5% for small businesses

                 THE 10 PER CENT fee
                 that small businesses
                 must pay when they take
                 on apprentices will be
                 halved, the Chancellor has
                   Philip Hammond told the
                 Commons in his budget
                 speech that SMEs must
                 now only contribute ‚ve
                 per cent to the training,
                 as part of a “£695 million
                 package to support
                   The Treasury originally
                 told FE Week the change
                 would come into e‰ect
                 from April 2019, but has
                 since backtracked on this
                 and said no ‚xed date has
                 been decided on yet.
                   It comes a‘er Skills
                 Minister Anne Milton
                 told the Association
                 of Employment and                                                        The Treasury is making changes
                 Learning Providers (AELP)                                                    to the apprenticeship levy
                 conference in June that
                 issues with the fee have   It is expected that the   to start getting back to   facility will rise from 10 to
                 been noted, but there    change to a ‚ve per cent   o‰ering apprenticeships   25 per cent from April 2019.
                 would not be a change to   contribution will only apply   to young people and local   He said he will also
                 the rules anytime soon.  to new starters when the   communities.”         consult with businesses
                   Announcing the change,   change comes into e‰ect.  “We are grateful to Anne   about further changes
                 Mr Hammond said: “As      It is, however, not yet   Milton and Robert Halfon   to the levy from 2020,
                 well as backing businesses   known if the contribution   for their signi‚cant e‰orts   following the slow take up
                 to invest and grow, we   will also apply to levy-  in making this happen.”  and employer criticisms.
                 will also make sure British   paying employers when   Shadow Skills Minister   The apprenticeship levy is
                 workers are equipped with   their levy pot is empty.  Gordon Marsden welcomed   paid by employers with an
                 the skills they need to   The Treasury told FE   the change but labelled it a   annual payroll of £3 million
                 thrive and prosper.      Week these details would   “minor improvement”.  or more, who can then
                   “We’ve introduced a new   be decided on in early 2019.  “This responds to the   spend their contributions
                 system of T-level vocational   The AELP has been   strong lobbying there has   on apprenticeship training.
                 training, introduced the   heavily campaigning to   been from the sector, and in   Smaller employers can
                 ‚rst £100 million into the   remove the employer   particular the AELP,” he said.  also access the funds
                 new national retraining   contribution rule as it   “It’s a minor improvement   generated through the levy,
                 scheme and through the   believes it puts SMEs o‰   but it doesn’t address some   although they have had to
                 apprenticeship levy we are   apprenticeships, and is the   of the key issues for small   pay 10 per cent towards
                 delivering three million new   reason why starts have   businesses with back-o¡ce   the cost of the training ever
                 high quality apprenticeships   fallen so much since the   admin or the failure of   since its introduction.
                 in this parliament.      introduction of the levy.  government to incentivise   There was no mandatory
                   “That system is paid for   Its Chief Executive   small businesses by creative  charge before May last
                 by employers and it has to   Mark Dawe said: “This   use and support of the   year, simply an assumed
                 work for employers.      is a major and positive   apprenticeship levy.”  contribution for apprentices
                   “In addition… I can    shi‘ which AELP has       The change follows Mr   aged 19 and over.
                 announce that for smaller   been pushing hard for   Hammond’s announcement   Since last May, only 16- to
                 ‚rms taking on apprentices   since before the levy was   at the Conservative Party   18-year-olds at employers
                 we will halve the amount   introduced and it should   Conference earlier this   with fewer than 50 sta‰ are
                 they have to contribute from   enable providers to work   month that the annual   fully funded and therefore
                 10 per cent to ‚ve per cent.”   with smaller businesses   apprenticeship levy transfer   free to train. ■


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