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Only 16 countries have
emissions reduction targets to
match climate change promises
set clear goals for cutting
greenhouse gas emissions
that will allow them to
match their ambitious
pledges to tackle climate
change, according to The
In a new report, climate
experts have warned of
discrepancies between
big promises made on the
global stage and domestic
targets backed up by law.
The Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change
has issued a warning of
catastrophic outcomes
without drastic emissions
cuts over the next decade.
In light of this, the
authors of the report say Experts say we have just 12 years
nations need to set clear to make signicant changes
plans about how they are
going to stop pumping must be translated into relative contribution of its An additional
greenhouse gases into the domestic commitments 28 member states there is complication comes as
atmosphere. and policies on renewable some confusion about how the target year for most
“We have 12 years to energy, green transport and the EU will achieve them. NDCs is 2030, while most
get our act together, and sustainable agriculture to “It doesn’t say in the EU countries have only planned
in order to do that you lay out a realistic pathway. NDC that the UK has to cut ahead to 2020. The authors
really need to know what The analysis by Dr X and Germany has to cut say leaders need to start
you are going to be doing Nachmany and Emily Y and France has to cut Z,” looking further ahead in
in the next six months, in Mangan from the World said Dr Nachmany. their planning.
the next two years, in the Resources Institute found Further confusion will “In terms of policy
next 12 years,” explained that nations have been come as the UK departs the planning, 2020 is yesterday
Dr Michal Nachmany from slow to mirror their NDCs EU altogether, leaving the and 2030 is around the
the Grantham Research in national policies. country to set its own NDC. corner when you plan
Institute on Climate Change So far only 58 countries Dr Nachmany said the for energy infrastructure,
and the Environment. (from 157) have backed up fact that so few countries budget, all of these things,”
“So you need to set really those commitments with had matched their NDCs said Dr Nachmany.
clear targets in order to economy wide targets for with national targets does Leaders will gather
know you are on track to emissions reductions, and not mean other nations are in Katowice, Poland, in
meeting those goals.” just 16 of those are as doing nothing to cut their December to discuss e¡orts
In total, 157 countries ambitious as the ones they emissions, but she urged to close the gap between
have made international promise in their NDCs. more transparency in the current action to tackle
commitments to slash their Besides this handful way they go about it. climate change and the goals
emissions under the Paris of nations, which range “If you don’t say where of the Paris agreement.
climate agreement – known from Canada to Papua you want to go, how do you The UK government has
as nationally determined New Guinea, the European say if your policy is stringent recently asked its climate
contributions, or NDCs. Union has also set such enough? How do you know advisers to investigate
However, to be worth targets – but because the if you are on your way to what must be done to cut
anything, these promises bloc has not divided up the meeting it?” she asked. emissions to zero. ■
News.indd 7 15/11/2018 14:22