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Next wave LNG race hits hurdles resolved, they said.
That’s not good news
in US trade war with China when there are at least
six other new builds
or expansions in North
America on the cusp of
THE DELAY OF A US Gulf to build its Louisiana-based of US goods. a construction decision,
Coast liqueed natural gas Magnolia LNG plant due to China’s LNG demand with a handful more
(LNG) export project has problems lining up Chinese has skyrocketed in recent eyeing go-aheads by 2020,
crystallized fears that the customers. years on Beijing’s pollution representing more than
trade battle with China is “Chinese LNG demand crackdown, with imports $100 billion worth of
hampering eorts to move growth is the largest piece nearly tripling since 2015. potential construction.
ahead with multi-billion- of demand growth out Last year it overtook South LNG Canada’s Chief
dollar builds. there, and Chinese buyers Korea as the world’s number Executive, Andy Calitz, said
The United States is have got to feel reluctant two importer of LNG. that US rivals could end up
positioning itself as the to commit to US capacity By the mid-2020s, global “dead in the water” as long
dominant provider of the when the US government LNG demand is forecast as China keeps its tari on
supercooled fuel as Asian sees trade as a means of to range from 360 million US imports. That could be
nations shi away from exerting political leverage,” to 450 million tonnes, up a boon for Canada’s tiny
dirtier power sources like said Bob Ineson, Managing from about 290 million Woodbre LNG on the
coal, reports Reuters. Director of North American tonnes in 2017. With China west coast and Pieridae
Additionally, the approval natural gas at IHS Markit. leading that growth, signing Energy Ltd’s Goldboro LNG
of a giant Canadian project China has set a 10 per cent deals with its companies is on the east coast.
led by Royal Dutch Shell tari on US LNG imports, viewed as imperative to get Non-Chinese buyers are
has bolstered enthusiasm extending a trade scue in larger projects done. also cautious about long-
for the sector overall in which US President Donald But the taris are having term deals due to changing
North America. Trump imposed taris a chilling eect, according trade policy, said IHS’s
That optimism took a hit on $250 billion worth of to two US industry sources. Ineson. “This con¢ict could
when Australia’s LNG Ltd imported Chinese goods China is not signing any lead to many developers of
delayed until next year a and China retaliated with long term deals with US US-based projects missing
planned decision on whether duties on $110 billion worth projects until the spat is this window,” he said. ■
CANADA Again,’” Trudeau said Park by name.
“Despite what you
Trudeau: carbon tax emphatically at an event in might have heard from
Ottawa. “Well, I know and
you know, that there’s no
Andrew Scheer or Doug
critics want to ‘make future in that.” Ford, you simply cannot
The quip — a clear
have a serious climate
pollution free again’ allusion to Donald Trump’s plan without a price on
fabourite catchphrase —
pollution,” he said.
came in a campaign-style Scheer has pledged to
speech at the National repeal Trudeau’s carbon
PRIME MINISTER Justin pricing plan in a more Gallery of Canada before plan, something he has
Trudeau appears to be Trumpian light. a question and answer called a “tax on everything.”
trying on a new slogan “They look only to our session with local students, In addition, Ford
to paint Conservative past, rallying Canadians according to The Hungton participated in a Scrap the
opponents of his carbon to ‘Make Pollution Free Post. Carbon Tax rally in Calgary
Trudeau told the with United Conservative
teenagers that climate Leader Jason Kenney,
change is the biggest stoking chatter about the
issue governments must Ontario premier’s rumoured
confront. He touted his national ambitions.
plan to price carbon Ford later met with
emissions as something Saskatchewan premier
that will lay the foundation Scott Moe at the Ontario
for a decades-long shi to legislature where they
Trudeau says there's no “clean growth.” rea©rmed that they won’t
future in the polluting He also called out back down in their legal
fuels of the past Conservative leaders in ght over the federal
both Ottawa and Queen’s carbon tax. ■
News.indd 8 15/11/2018 14:23