Page 17 - 10. Gi_Dec-Jan2019_LR
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Digital rehearsal can reduce both the time and costs involved  of the major advantages to digital
                 in delivering a successful project, bringing new innovative       rehearsals are the opportunity to
                 technologies into the gas industry. Ben Knight, Mechanical        identify, highlight and eliminate safety
                                                                                   hazards; to train for complex
                 Engineer for Premtech, examines this new technology               procedures or tasks and to enable
                                                                                   critical task analysis (CTA) to be
                                                                                   carried out.
                          he ability to practise and   environment, whereas MR overlays   With safety being paramount to all
                          rehearse is not new, but   models into the real world. VR enables   organisations, this is an invaluable tool
                          rather an old technique to   a complete range of interactivity, from   that can be utilised to ensure the
                          ensure the success of   viewing a 360° photo or video, to a   wellbeing of both site sta and the
                 T whichever task has been        fully navigable environment via the use  general public.
                 undertaken. Students sit mock papers   of mainstream or specialised   By conducting a digital rehearsal
                 to prepare for their nal exam and   controllers, with two stereoscopic   walkthrough using VR and by observing
                 musicians rehearse before they   screens to display the model,    the animated task or proposed asset, it
                 perform. So why don’t we rehearse the   emulating depth of vision.   is possible to highlight the potential
                 construction and operation of critical   By mapping the area around the   risks that would otherwise go unseen
                 infrastructure within the gas industry?   user, an MR device is able to overlay a   until construction began.
                   Critical infrastructure projects   model onto the real world. This is   Digital rehearsals make it possible
                 costing millions of pounds, providing   usually achieved by using projectors   to predict or eliminate hazards and
                 many dierent unique challenges and   and glass screens positioned in front of  minimise the chance of unplanned
                 obstacles are commonly developed   the user’s eyes. This model can be   events occurring. Anything that is
                 with no form of practice or rehearsal.   navigated and observed from any angle  unplanned can have signicant safety,
                   Digital rehearsal provides an insight   in real time as the device runs a series   environmental, programme and/or
                 to construction challenges and   of calculations to correctly orient it.   cost implications.
                 opportunities before construction on   However, a digital rehearsal is not
                 a site commences.                restricted to either VR or MR; it can   NEW WAY TO TRAIN
                   A digital rehearsal is a rehearsal   be carried out on any device that can   By using both VR and MR, extensive
                 that is carried out through a digital   display photos or play videos and   training can be carried out on critical
                 medium and can include varying   games, like a phone, tablet or   tasks and maintenance activities.
                 levels of interactivity, ranging from a   computer. For MR using a phone or   Virtual training provides a highly
                 simple image or short animation, to a   computer, the 3D model is overlaid   interactive and engaging training
                 fully interactive, immersive virtual   onto the image or video.   environment with hands-on
                 reality environment.                                              participation. The ‘learn by doing’ VR
                                                  IMPACTING THE WAY WE             or MR experience can be undertaken
                 VIRTUAL AND MIXED REALITY        THINK ABOUT SAFETY               on reality headsets, computers,
                 Virtual and mixed reality, commonly   Digital rehearsals provide a modern,   tablets or even mobile phones,
                 referred to as VR and MR, are both   visual way of communicating and   accelerating user training. By applying
                 dierent ways that computer-aided     assessing risks related to the   these technologies to training, the
                 design (CAD) models can be               potentially hazardous tasks   requirement to travel to specialised
                 displayed.                                associated with         training centres is eliminated and
                   The main dierence is, VR                operational gas and    there’s no need for complex training
                 creates a fully immersive                  construction sites. Some   rigs to be constructed and maintained.

                                                                                   PHASED CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                   Many sites that undergo
                                                                                   construction or maintenance
                                                                                   activities, be it considered major or
                                                                                   minor works, will o”en have the
                                                                                   work phased, typically to suit
                                                                                   operational restrictions or
                                                                                   constraints associated with a
                                                                                   particular site. Through digital
                                                                                   rehearsal, these phases or stages
                                                                                   can be practiced and assessed to
                                                                                   ensure they are optimised, providing
                                                                                   maximum benet in terms of safety,
                                                                                   cost and programme. Digital
                                                                                   rehearsals can also include all the
                                                                                   construction equipment that would
                                                                                   be required for the tasks, ensuring
                                                                                   that there is adequate access, space
                                                                                   and facilities for the equipment to
                                                                                   be utilised safely and eectively.


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