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                 GOES FROM STRENGTH

                 TO STRENGTH

                 For over 30 years Steve Vick International’s Contract Service teams have been
                 working around the UK, Europe and further afield providing a broad and

                 expanding range of services from cutting large diameter pipes and performing
                 complex gas pipe repair and renewal operations to sealing off abandoned drains

                 and filling all types of underground pipes and voids

                                                                                   needs to be filled to prevent the sleeve
                                                                                   cracking in the future and thus ensure the
                                                                                   integrity of the road surface.
                                                                                     Recent projects have involved SVI using
                                                                                   a quick-set structural cementitious grout
                                                                                   to fill the annular space in two 100m
                                                                                   sections as well as several shorter 30 to
                                                                                   60m lengths. The premeasured quantity
                                                                                   of grout was mixed on-site in SVI’s
                                                                                   colloidal screw grout mixer and gravity-
                                                                                   fed into the void. The grout can be fed
                                                                                   under pressure if required. The work will
                                                                                   continue well into 2019.
                                                                                   REPORT 2
                  SVI’s Contract Service team training at their West Midlands Depot; Casper Vick,
                  Aidan Liddane, Jon Dixon, Darren Starling, David Liddane, Iain Fisher, Tom Vick,   INSERTING LIVE GAS MAINS
                  Ian Bradley, Craig Roman, Paul Mattravis, John McAndrew, Stuart Stokes  REMOTELY UNDER BUSY
                 WHILE SVI is known primarily for its   24 hours a day, seven days a week.   Contract Service teams from SVI are
                 work in the field of renewing and repairing   The following project reports give an   carrying out remote live gas mains
                 underground gas pipes and currently   indication of the range of work being   replacement using the Sealback® technique
                 works for all the UK gas distribution   carried out by SVI Contract Service   on a regular basis.
                 networks, recent years have seen   engineers on a regular basis.    This technique is a safe and efficient
                 customers of the Contract Service division                        method of replacing short lengths of low
                 coming increasingly from water utilities,    REPORT 1 G           pressure ‘live’ main in a traffic sensitive
                 electricity providers, rail networks, civil   GAS MAINS DIVERSIONS  location or where access to the main is
                 engineers, construction companies and   As part of a major highway improvement   restricted. Replacement is undertaken from
                 local councils. This reflects the range of   scheme under construction near   a remote position, typically 10 to 13m
                 skills and expertise available to solve on-  Cambridge, SVI is currently involved in the   from where the pipe intersects its parent
                 site problems associated with pipe repair,   gas main diversion work being undertaken.   main under the main highway.
                 renovation and diversion.        Contract Service teams are providing   A typical recent project involved
                                                  grout filling operations where the new   replacing a 10m length of 4in cast iron
                 HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEAMS           200mm steel gas main runs under the   gas main with 75mm PE situated under a
                 TO CARRY OUT SPECIALIST          main dual carriageway at several sites, as   busy road in Staines. The customer was
                 OPERATIONS                       well as beneath individual junctions with B   very pleased with the operation, which
                 SVI’s Contract Service is a core function   roads and tracks.     took just four hours, as it avoided the
                 of the business with highly skilled teams   At the road crossing points, the gas   need to excavate the main carriageway,
                 based strategically around the UK to   main is protected within a 450mm   avoiding lane closures and all the traffic
                 provide a fast response. For emergency   diameter concrete sleeve. The annular   management and reinstatement costs
                 repairs, a rapid call out service is offered   space between the main and the sleeve   that would have entailed.

                   S TE V E V I C K I NTER N ATI O N A L                                   w w w.s tevev i m


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