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Renewing gas risers within multi-storey A gas mains replacement project in Kent MIKE HALL,
buildings can be a long and costly operation involved SVI Contract Service sealing SVI’S
that interrupts customers’ supplies. It off the annular space in a 730mm steel CONTRACT
requires high-cost scaffolding while a sleeve inserted with a 690mm PE gas DEVELOPMENT
new service is installed on the outside of main running under a railway line. The MANAGER is
the building, and requires access to each 140m length of pipe was filled with responsible for
property to shut off and relight the supply. cementitious grout to ensure the integrity special operations within the division.
SVI Contract Service offers a safe and of the gas main in the future. With over 25 years’ experience in
cost-saving alternative: the Live Gas Riser SVI went to site the day before the Contract Service, Mike is familiar
Transfer technique allows a new section grouting job to fit ENDSEALS™ on either to many in the gas distribution
of steel service to be pieced in between end of the concrete pipe, leaving fill tubes networks. He has a wealth of skill and
the main and the riser without first at ground level. The following day, the knowledge concerning on-site gas
decommissioning it. quick cure grout was mixed on site in pipe repair and renewal operations
The technique is currently being used SVI’s purpose-built colloidal screw grout and has worked not only all over
in two 15-storey residential blocks in mixer and pumped into the sleeve via the the UK but also around Europe,
central Cardiff to renew three 1½in live fill tubes. Despite the site being well away Scandinavia and the USA.
steel risers which have been leaking at from the nearest road, SVI was able to
points underground. Nine further risers, carry out the grouting using their diesel CASPER
while not leaking, are being replaced as a powered inject machine and a supply of VICK, SVI’S
precautionary measure. water from a 30,000ltr tanker. CONTRACT
Using a combination of under-pressure OPERATIONS
tees, under-pressure drills, FOAMBAGs™ REPORT 5 MANAGER
and fire retardant material, the SVI PERMANENTLY SEALING OFF manages the
engineers working alongside the GDN are ENTIRE STUB ENDS OF LIVE day-to-day activities of the 10-strong
able to abandon the faulty section of each MAIN – REMOTELY contract engineering team, that covers
riser, allowing a new steel service to be SVI has been carrying out Live Stub End the whole of the UK from bases in
pieced in and tied into the main. The whole Abandonment for many years but the London, the South West, North West
operation is carried out live, meaning that technique has recently been enhanced and North East. He carries out site
customers’ supplies are not interrupted and with the introduction of E-SEAL™, audits to ensure that the company’s
there is no need to gain access to homes. a system which allows the entire length high operational standards are
SVI Contract Service engineers carry out of the redundant stub, right up to the maintained and works with customers
an extensive survey and agree all aspects of tier crossover to the parent main, to be to produce surveys and detailed plans
the procedure with the client before carrying abandoned. This avoids any risk of having prior to projects.
out Live Riser Transfer. The technique to return to the main in the future. In addition to working for all
can be used on 1in to 6in diameter low Using E-SEAL™, three redundant but live the UK gas distribution networks,
pressure risers and the fire retardant material 4in stub ends under a busy road in Hull, each SVI Contract Service is engaged in
used provides a 30-minute fire check in around 3m long, were abandoned within a operations for the water utilities and
accordance with GIS/SER6:2006. day and saved the customer thousands of the civils sector which is a rapidly
pounds in excavation, reinstatement and expanding market for the company.
traffic management costs as well as road
closure penalties.
A small excavation is made in the
footpath or side road from which the
abandonment operation is carried out
remotely using SVI’s patented FOAMBAG™
technology. The technique may be used
on low pressure main stub ends with
diameters from 75mm (3in) to 300mm
(12in) with lengths up to 30m, but also up
to 60m if required.
Due to its significant cost savings, the
E-SEAL™ system is gaining approval with
a growing number of GDNs. ■
For Contract Service enquiries
call Casper Vick or
Mike Hall on 01225 864864
Recent LRT Project
info @s tevev i m +4 4 (0)12 25 86 4 86 4
SteveVickAdvertorial.indd 2 15/11/2018 16:39