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can immediately be wiped remotely.
                                                                                     Training is also being shaped to take
                                                                                   advantage of the digital era. Although
                                                                                   physical services will likely always rely
                                                                                   on a ‘hands-on’ classroom
                                                                                   environment, digital channels are
                                                                                   opening up opportunities for shared
                                                                                   learning sessions, where †eld-based
                                                                                   sta‹ can engage remotely via video
                                                                                   link for shared brie†ngs on key work
                                                                                   and safety practices.

                                                                                   LOOKING AHEAD
                                                                                   So how will digitalisation continue to
                                                                                   shape the future of physical services?
                                                                                   At a product level, gas meters will
                                                                                   continue the march from traditional,
                                                                                   mechanical meters to ultrasonic and
                                                                                   thermal mass technologies and will
                                                                                   likely evolve to provide not just more
                                                                                   granular data, but a diverse range of
                                                                                   personalised energy and
                                                                                   communication-based marketing
                                                                                   o‹ers for end users.
                                                                                     Systems integration will only
                                                                                   increase, given the productivity gains
                                                                                   already achieved and the growing
                                                                                   acceptance of the Internet of Things
                                                                                   and online transactions among
                                                                                   consumers. The trend towards open
                                                                                   systems will only speed innovation in
                 equipped with navigation and mapping   personnel data is secure.   digital productivity tools and back
                 systems to ensure optimal eœciency in   Unsurprisingly, physical services   oœce architectures, with a growing
                 terms of scheduling and travel. Once   companies now need signi†cant   ability to plug-in third party resources.
                 on site, digital intervention continues,   investment not just in secure   At the same time, national
                 with barcode and RFID technology   networks but in IT expertise to keep   government and major technology
                 used as part of the digital capture   pace with an environment of   players are focused on smart city
                 process (along with photo records and   continuous innovation and change.   initiatives to keep pace with increasing
                 meter data). This activity, completed   More than ever before, this includes   urbanisation. Utilities are core to this
                 using mobile devices and apps, not   the ability to engage with large scale   movement, developing and applying
                 only communicates core data such as   enterprise applications, such as SAP,   the sensing technology and data
                 location and meter serial numbers to   through application program interface   analytics that could eventually make
                 the energy company or asset manager,   (API) portals and other secure links   ‘intelligent’ buildings commonplace.
                 it also automatically sends a replenish   that deliver two-way communications   What won’t change in the
                 command across the supply chain.  in a cyber secure environment.   foreseeable future is the requirement
                   From an information security                                    for a skilled engineer to install a
                 perspective, this system also creates a   DIGITAL INNOVATION      digitally-connected physical device
                 trackable and traceable data trail that   IN THE FIELD            such as a gas meter, energy storage
                 can be shared digitally with     One area that has transformed    system, electric vehicle charging point
                 customers, validating the correct   operational e‹ectiveness for engineers   or similar, to meet the needs of
                 product for the correct end user at   is the real-time support available   energy suppliers and their customers
                 the correct address. This is a process   through connected devices. At one   in an increasingly smart world. ■
                 that, in the case of Lowri Beck, has   level, this includes the ability to share
                 been essential to installing around   complex challenges that can crop up   ■ Lowri Beck is a group of support
                 300,000 meters every year.       on site via video calls with technical   services companies providing
                   This digital revolution in physical   help desks. At another, the technology   metering services, business solutions
                 services is only made possible through   supports a ‘red button’ emergency   and eld management systems. Its
                 IT system integration, which underpins   alarm should engineers †nd   nationwide support includes meter
                 new customer onboarding and ongoing   themselves in situations giving cause   installations, meter reading, data
                 relationships. The management of   for concern. This triggers a rapid   collection and contact centre services
                 industry data žows is regularly audited   response to ensure operatives’ safety.   for utilities and direct with industrial
                 by Elexon for compliance, and for ISO   Should a handheld device go   and commercial organisations.
                 standards. Independent audits and   missing or be stolen, while it is being   For more information visit
                 supplier inspections ensure all   tracked any data held on the device


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