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IGEM NEWS | Industrial Aliates
have taken a closer look at a
pioneering project that’s exploring the Cabinet Secretary
future use of smart hybrid gas and for Environment,
electric heating systems in homes. Planning and
Rural Aairs
Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Lesley Griths
Planning and Rural Aairs Lesley AM and Assembly
Griths and Huw Irranca-Davies AM Member for
visited a home taking part in the £5.2 Ogmore, Huw
million Freedom Project to see Irranca-Davies
rst-hand how the installation of 75 with Wales &
hybrid heating systems in a mix of West Utilities
private and social housing in Bridgend Future of Energy
has delivered benets. Project Manager,
The industry leading collaboration Oliver Lancaster
between gas and electricity network
operators Wales & West Utilities and decarbonise heat by 2050, they also Freedom Project. It is imperative that
Western Power Distribution has empower energy users, allowing them we research into innovative low carbon
demonstrated how hybrid heating can to optimise their heating system and energy sources and do everything we
help fully decarbonise heat by 2050 keep their bills low. can to tackle climate change.
while keeping disruption to customers “Importantly, this means we can “Exploring the future use of smart
to a minimum and energy bills low. take advantage of the existing gas and hybrid gas in homes could make a
Smart controlled hybrid heating electricity networks, avoiding long massive dierence to people’s lives
allows exible switching between term costly and disruptive and be a further boost to the use of
renewable electricity and green gas infrastructure upgrade work across renewable energy. I enjoyed meeting
based on cost and carbon intensity. our towns and cities.” with people who have benetted
Chris Clarke, Wales & West Utilities One resident said: “We were from the hybrid heating systems
Energy Strategy Director, said: “We reluctant to use our heating before and hearing about how they’ve
were delighted to welcome both Ms the hybrid heating system was adapted to them.”
Griths and Mr Irranca-Davies to see installed as I was conscious of cost, The Freedom Project is funded
the Freedom Project and for them to but now we are seeing huge savings. I through the Ofgem Network
hear directly from people who are feel more in control of my heating Innovation Allowance and uniquely
reaping the benets of hybrid heating. system and the home is always warm brings together the gas and electricity
“Smart hybrid heating systems, with when we need it.” network operators in a cross-sector
an air source heat pump and a high Ms Griths said: “It has been trial to provide them with robust,
eciency gas boiler, demonstrate the fascinating learning about the eld-tested data which can make a
advantage of a whole system approach innovative work being carried out by meaningful contribution to long-term,
to the future energy system. Not only Wales & West Utilities and Western whole systems approach to network
do they oer the opportunity to fully Power Distribution as part of the investment planning. ■
MORRISON UTILITY SERVICES Celebrating Excellence Awards in
(MUS) has been presented with the September.
2018 Designing our Future Award by MUS Senior Operations Controller
Wales & West Utilities (WWU). Iain Morley, who works on the
The award was presented to MUS, Western Gas Alliance (WGA),
the UK’s largest, dedicated utility collected the award in recognition of
service provider, and a part of M his role in the development of the
Group Services, at WWU’s annual WGA Gas Network Site Manager
IGEMNews_IndustrialAffiliates.indd 1 15/11/2018 14:21