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IGEM NEWS | Young Persons Paper Competition 2018


                 IMPLEMENTATION AND

                 BENEFITS OF ADOPTING

                 THE 3D LASER SCANNER

                 Conducting T/PM/P/11 assessments in the gas industry

                                                                                               Artist's impression of the
                                                                                                  HandySCAN at work
                 By Chris Packwood, Project Supervisor –                           they are maintained to the highest
                 Pipelines with Cadent Gas and YPPC 2018 finalist                   standard possible. This can be
                                                                                   achieved by using new technology to
                                                                                   improve the asset data provided to
                           /PM/P/11 is Cadent’s   by IGE/TD/1, plus steel distribution   the pipeline operator, allowing the

                           procedure for the      mains as de‰ned by IGE/TD/3.     operator and integrity engineers to
                           inspection, assessment   Cadent uses the procedure to   make more informed decisions.
                           and repair of damaged   inspect and assess defects on both   To conduct P/11 inspections which
                           (non-leaking) steel    local transmission pipelines and local   are mostly on buried steel pipelines,
                 T pipelines above 150mm          distribution mains. The majority of   the pipeline must be excavated in
                 diameter and designed to operate at   Cadent’s pipelines in the East   accordance with T/PR/SSW/22 and T/
                 pressure greater than 2bar.      Midlands operate at X46 or X52, with   PR/MAINT/5028, plus have the coating
                   The procedure itself details the   the exception of a 48in storage   removed and the steel abrasive blasted
                 process of inspection and assessment   pipeline, which operates at X80.   in accordance with T/SP/CW/5.
                 for pipelines operating up to grade X80/  Many pipelines present in the UK   Before doing so, the defect must be
                 L555 (updated 2012) and can be carried   are reaching the end of their design   hand prepared and visually inspected
                 out on transmission pipelines as de‰ned  life. It is therefore imperative that   to deem a P/11 assessment necessary.


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