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IGEM NEWS | Industrial Aliates
facility for carbon capture has signed a
collaborative agreement with DNV GL
to deliver advisory and veri
services for carbon capture and
storage (CCS) technology.
Technology companies currently
carry out advance testing of their
carbon capture technologies at
Norway’s Technology Centre
Mongstad (TCM) and the integration
of technology veri
cation will
expedite the process of getting new
solutions to the market.
TCM and DNV GL will oer services
to both companies using TCM’s facility
and external actors in the carbon
capture technology sphere.
“It is vital for us to ensure that capabilities together with TCM is a Outlook forecasts that the planet is
carbon capture technology is natural extension of our expertise,” says set to warm beyond the goals set in
suciently advanced to be used at Liv Hovem, CEO DNV GL – Oil & Gas. the Paris agreement, even though the
our facility. Veri
cation and advisory “DNV GL and TCM will together global energy supply is rapidly
services are a natural progression of ensure that the technologies tested decarbonising.
the quality assurance measures which and veri
ed at the TCM facilities will CCS, along with energy eciency
we have in place for our collaboration be ready for full-scale deployment. and more renewables, must all be
partners that are using TCM’s facility,” While we will ensure the technical stepped up to prevent the planet
said CEO of TCM, Ernst Axelsen. feasibility of these technologies, the from warming to unsustainable levels.
“We have been working with both industry and policy makers together CCS is the process of capturing and
CCS and veri
cation of new need to make CCS work commercially storing greenhouse gases from
technologies for the energy sector for a for it to make a global impact.” industrial processes, and TCM currently
long time. Combining these two DNV GL’s Energy Transition has a focus on the capture stage. ■
(GNSM) programme. progression linked to speci
c training or speci
cally within individual roles.
The GNSM programme was modules. The ultimate aim of the “Our people on the Wales & West
introduced in January 2017 to create a programme is to develop a pool of Utilities contract now have access to
structured learning and career talent equipped to become the a career pathway of nationally
development path that would retain Alliance’s management of the future. recognised quali
cations, providing
and develop existing people, as well as MUS Executive Director Sean Kelly transferable skills. This award is great
attract new entrants into the Alliance. said: “The WWU Designing our recognition for Iain, and for MUS as a
The programme is designed to Future Award recognises creativity whole, for having the vision to design
enable people to progress according and innovation that has led to and develop the programme and,
to the knowledge and experience improved processes and new ways of more importantly, to deliver it so
they acquire, with individual career working for the Alliance as a whole, successfully.” ■
IGEMNews_IndustrialAffiliates.indd 2 15/11/2018 14:21