Page 18 - 10. Gi_Dec-Jan2019_LR
P. 18
The virtual construction site
Using a digital rehearsal to plan and
choreograph complex procedures saving is a major benet that is
and tasks that are to be undertaken associated with digital rehearsals
paired with a digital twin.
allows for increased efficiency and
a safer environment THE NEXT STEPS
Digital rehearsal is still an emerging
technology within the gas industry, but
one that could prove highly useful and
REAPING THE REWARDS DIGITAL TWIN AND ASSET important if used in the correct way.
If a site cannot be constructed in the MANAGEMENT The ability to rehearse can improve
digital world then it is unlikely that it A digital twin is a virtual counterpart to safety and reduce both the cost and
can be constructed in the real world. a physical asset, which can be used to build programme durations. With these
Digital rehearsal embraces the carry out digital rehearsals. A digital benets readily available, it would make
concept of ‘construct twice, build twin, sometimes referred to as a virtual sense not to ignore these opportunities,
once’. The main benets associated twin or virtual asset, is a continuously but rather to take another step forward
with digital rehearsals are focused updated model that reects the into the digital era. ■
around the safety and cost aspects, physical asset to a high level of detail.
with the ability to make tasks safer By conducting a digital rehearsal using ■ Premtech is pursuing dierent
whilst reducing incurred costs. Using a the digital twin and the operational and techniques for digital rehearsal and is
digital rehearsal to plan and maintenance data included within it, already successfully applying them to
choreograph complex procedures and optimal maintenance and operational projects within the gas industry. For
tasks that are to be undertaken allows schedules can be developed leading to more information about the process
for increased eciency and a safer a more informed asset health regime. visit or email
environment. This insight to eciency and cost
DigitalRehearsalUsingVR.indd 3 15/11/2018 14:31