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University students asking for mental

                 health help up 50 per cent in five years

                 THE NUMBER OF university   is supposed to be an   Stressed out students
                 students reaching out to   assault on the senses. It   need support, say MPs
                 mental health facilities is up   should be demanding and
                 by 50 per cent, according to   disorientating, and with
                 new statistics.          that should come adequate
                   This news came as      pastoral care for students.
                 Universities Minister Sam   “This does not mean
                 Gyimah called for students   mollycoddling or cushioning
                 to be “supported, not    students from the
                 mollycoddled.”           experiences that are part
                   Analysis by the BBC, which   and parcel of university
                 received responses from 83   life, it means making
                 universities a­er submitting   sure support services are
                 Freedom of Information   available if they need them.”
                 requests, shows a possible   Charities including Mind
                 uptick in mental health   and the NUS have warned
                 problems at university.  that students are under   “Many are balancing    wrote to Vice Chancellors
                   The number of students   increasing pressure.  work, study and caring   at the beginning of the
                 seeking help rose from    Eva Crossan Jory, the NUS  responsibilities. With   autumn term, asking them
                 50,900 to 78,100 between   Vice President, said: “There   fees so high, and the job   to prioritise mental health.
                 2012 and 2017, while     is a growth in demand [for   market so competitive,   Mr Gyimah has
                 budgets towards mental   mental health services]   students feel they have   previously called for a
                 health services increased by   over the last decade, in   to continually push   greater focus on mental
                 40 per cent.             part, because the reality   themselves, perhaps more   health issues, saying that
                   Mr Gyimah told The     of studying in the UK has   so than before.”     universities’ main purpose
                 Daily Telegraph: “University   changed so much.    The Universities Minister   is no longer learning. ■

                 Collapse of apprenticeship provider

                 3aaa ‘sounds alarm bells’ for employers

                 THE COLLAPSE OF          apprentices for companies   EEF’s Verity Davidge said   folded a­er the Education
                 one of the UK’s largest   such as National Grid and   employers had been “le­   and Skills Funding Agency –
                 apprenticeship providers   sandwich maker Greencore,   in limbo” by the collapse,   an arm of the Department
                 3aaa has triggered “alarm   went into administration   which has stoked fears   for Education – cancelled its
                 bells” among employers,   a­er the government    about the sector, according   contracts.
                 the EEF manufacturers’   pulled its funding. It was   to The Evening Standard.  The company provided
                 organisation has said.   also referred to police over   “The collapse of large   training for apprentices hired
                   3aaa, which trained    fraud concerns.         training providers such as   by the likes of Greencore,
                                                                  3aaa, that manufacturers   Ocado, Mitie, Thomas Cook,
                  Employers have been le	                         are currently using, will   and National Grid.
                  in limbo by the collapse                        send alarm bells ringing.   Greencore said it was
                                                                    “The apprentices must   “working closely” with the
                                                                  be protected ›rst and    government skills agencies
                                                                  foremost and employers   to ensure that all learners
                                                                  will do everything in their   from 3aaa will be able to
                                                                  power to ›nd alternative   continue their programme.
                                                                  provision. There will      Ocado also said it
                                                                  be nervousness among     was reviewing the
                                                                  employers as to whether   potential impact on any
                                                                  we will see the events of   apprenticeships although
                                                                  this week repeated.”     currently it had only two
                                                                    3aaa, based in Derby,   staŸ on the scheme. ■


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