Page 9 - 10. Gi_Dec-Jan2019_LR
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Government sets up                               domestic consumers.”     and providing access to
                                                                                           a‹ordable energy.
                                                                    The decision to carry out
                 gas storage inquiry                              the inquiry was welcomed   underpinned by long
                                                                                             “Energy security is
                                                                  by the Energy & Utilities
                                                                  Alliance (EUA).          life, capital intensive
                                                                    Roddy Monroe,          investments, which
                 THE DEPARTMENT FOR       whether the costs should   Independent Chair of   require long term †nancial
                 BUSINESS, Energy and     be borne by the taxpayer   the EUA’s Gas Storage   certainty; these are not
                 Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is   or, ultimately, businesses   Operators Group and   characteristics found
                 to launch an inquiry into the  and consumers.    participant in the inquiry,   in our energy market
                 UK’s gas storage strategy.  Rachel Reeves MP, Chair   said: “I †rmly believe that   today. We have seen that
                   The BEIS committee     of the BEIS Committee,   there may be serious    the government felt it
                 will examine issues around   said: “As winter approaches,   implications for UK energy   necessary to intervene
                 UK gas security and gas   we want to examine what   security if policy makers   to help deliver positive
                 storage, the government’s   action the government   rely solely on the market   changes to the electricity
                 approach to diversity of   is taking to ensure we   to deliver the right level of   market, such intervention
                 supply, and what action the   can have con†dence in   investment to meet broader  may now be necessary for
                 government is taking to   the security of our gas   government’s objectives   the gas market if we are to
                 ensure the supply system is   supplies. We will want to   including transitioning to   provide the right level of
                 robust and secure.       question industry experts   a low carbon economy   gas security.” ■
                   The evidence session is   and government on the
                 likely to explore questions   future role for gas storage                       Stublach underground
                 concerning the decision   following the closure of the                            gas storage facility
                 to close the Rough gas   Rough gas storage facility
                 storage facility and how   and in the light of weather
                 the supply and availability   events such as the ‘Beast
                 of the UK’s gas supply   from the East’.
                 is evaluated, according   “Given our increased
                 to Heating, Ventilating &   reliance on gas imports, we
                 Plumbing.                will also be asking what
                   The hearing is also    government is doing to
                 expected to examine issues   guard against gas shortages
                 around the potential for   and the potential knock-on                                          COSTAIN
                 future provision of new   e‹ects of increased energy
                 gas storage facilities and   costs for businesses and

                 Sustainable heat hots up with                                             and loans to both the

                                                                                           public and private sectors,
                 £320m of government funding                                               helping increase the market
                                                                                           share of the technology,
                                                                                           which experts suggest is
                                                                                           likely to play a key role in
                 THE UK GOVERNMENT has     It has appointed Triple   capital, which it expects to   the solving the challenge of
                 launched the Heat Networks  Point Heat Networks   leverage around £1 billion   decarbonising heat.
                 Investment Project (HNIP),   Investment Management   of private †nance.     Heat networks distribute
                 which will invest £320   to deliver the scheme – the   Energy Live News reports   waste heat from a central
                 million in heat networks   †rm will be responsible for   that the money will be used  source to a number of
                 across the country.      allocating and deploying   to provide a series of grants   other customers, such as
                                                                                           oœce buildings or a block
                                                                                           of žats – the process is
                                                                                           highly eœcient and the
                                                                                           government estimates such
                                                                                           systems could provide
                                                                                           up to 17 per cent of heat
                                                                                           demand in homes and
                                                                                           nearly a quarter of demand
                                                                                           in public and industrial
                                                                                           buildings by 2050.
                                                                                             The scheme will open for
                  District heating plans                                                   applications in the autumn,
                  are warming up                                                           with the †rst funding decisions
                                                                                           expected next year. ■


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